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UK to launch 'high risk' science agency
Via BBC.com/News: UK to launch 'high risk' science agency /by Tom Espiner The UK is to launch a "high-risk" science agency to look for ground-breaking discoveries.
The agency, Aria, will be run along the lines of US equivalents that were instrumental in the creation of the internet and GPS.
Aria, which has £800m funding over four years, will have a "higher tolerance for failure than is normal", the government said.
Labour said the government needed to clarify what the agency would do.
The new body - the Advanced Research & Invention Agency (Aria) -
would fund "high-risk, high-reward" scientific research, the government
Posted by vlad on Friday, February 19, 2021 @ 18:40:35 UTC (2603 reads)
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Amazon Announces $2 Billion Climate Pledge Fund
Amazon Announces $2 Billion Climate Pledge Fund to Invest in Companies Building Products, Services, and Technologies to Decarbonize the Economy and Protect the Planet
(NASDAQ:AMZN) today announced The Climate Pledge Fund to support the
development of sustainable technologies and services that will enable
Amazon and other companies to meet The Climate Pledge—a commitment to be
net zero carbon by 2040. This dedicated venture investment program—with
an initial $2 billion in funding—will back visionary companies whose
products and services will facilitate the transition to a zero carbon
Posted by vlad on Thursday, June 25, 2020 @ 21:40:38 UTC (1767 reads)
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ARPA-E Provides Funding to Support Lower-Cost Fusion Energy Concepts
WASHINGTON, D.C. — The U.S. Department of Energy today announced up to $30 million in funding for a new Advanced Research Projects Agency-Energy (ARPA-E) program, Breakthroughs Enabling THermonuclear-fusion Energy (BETHE). BETHE projects will support the development of timely, commercially viable fusion energy, aiming to increase the number and performance levels of lower-cost fusion concepts.
“Successfully developing lower-cost fusion energy concepts would ensure U.S. leadership in this potentially game-changing energy technology,” said ARPA-E Director Lane Genatowski, “Deployable, commercially viable fusion would offer reliable, low-carbon power.”
Posted by vlad on Wednesday, December 11, 2019 @ 18:12:37 UTC (2254 reads)
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The New Earth Incubator Fund
From the updated Sirius Disclosure/Energy website: The New Earth Incubator Fund - Concept and Proposal/Draft 1.0/by Steven M. Greer MD
For over 100 years, advances in electromagnetic systems have allowed for the creation of over-unity (more out-put than manmade input) power generation via the zero point energy (ZPE) field and quantum vacuum. These have been suppressed by way of a number of means both legal and illegal. To date, no inventor, corporation, research team or university has been able to surmount these obstacles. (See The Orion Project and The Disclosure Project)
Since neither the governments of the world nor major corporations have moved decisively towards disclosing these technologies, a new private consortium is needed to achieve this goal.
Posted by vlad on Friday, October 18, 2019 @ 20:47:32 UTC (2767 reads)
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The Growing Energy Requirements of Bitcoin and Cryptocurrencies
Via E-Cat World: If you read news about finance these days, it is impossible to miss the story of the massive run-up in value of Bitcoin over the last year. Its value has rise over 1000 per cent since the beginning of the year, and some people who have owned Bitcoin since its early creation have become multimillionaires.
There is a huge amount of Bitcoin related news coverage these days, mostly about its current value, and how much money some investors have made so far and whether the bubble is about to burst, but in the midst of the current Bitcoin frenzy one thing that stands out is the discussion about the enormous amount of energy that is required to sustain the system. Here are a few quotes from one recently published article on Grist:
Posted by vlad on Tuesday, December 12, 2017 @ 15:52:01 UTC (5444 reads)
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LPP Fusion raising $1 million via equity crowdfunding
Via NextBigFuture.com site: LPPFusion has launched an equity crowdfunding campaign to raise $1
million to fund the next major stage of their research to develop a
cheap, clean, safe and unlimited source of energy. The campaign, which
went live at Noon EST, Nov. 9 on the leading crowdfunding website Wefunder,
is the first time that shares in LPPFusion will be available to all
investors. In previous equity rounds, sales of shares in the US were
limited to accredited investors—those with more than $1 million in
assets or $200,000 in annual income. However, under new SEC rules
approved last year, through the crowdfunding campaign, all investors,
accredited and non-accredited, US and non-US, will be able to buy
shares. A previous crowdfunding effort by LPPFusion in 2014 on the
Indiegogo website raised $180,000 in donations, before the new rule
allowed equity (share) crowdfunding.
Posted by vlad on Saturday, November 11, 2017 @ 21:17:27 UTC (5132 reads)
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To The Stars Academy of Arts & Science
From the website: The public interest in the outer edges of science and the understanding of phenomena has always been suffocated by mainstream ideology and bureaucratic constraint.
We believe there are transformative discoveries within our reach that will revolutionize the human experience, but they can only be accomplished through the unrestricted support of breakthrough research, discovery and innovation.
To The Stars Academy of Arts & Science has mobilized a team of the
most experienced, connected and passionately curious minds from the US
intelligence community, including the CIA and Department of Defense that
have been operating under the shadows of top-secrecy for decades.
Posted by vlad on Wednesday, October 18, 2017 @ 17:19:59 UTC (6293 reads)
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Industrial Heat Expands LENR Research, Boeing Rossi Connection Claimed
Via http://energycatalyzer3.com/: Industrial Heat LLC is involved in at least 12 low
energy nuclear reactions (LENR) research efforts. Nor is the Raleigh,
North Carolina, – based company letting its ongoing lawsuit with ecat inventor Andrea Rossi slow it down.
Industrial Heat has intensified investment in six processes; and scaled back its’ involvement in another six, owner Tom Darden said in an interview with The Triangle Business Journal. The Journal claimed that research in LENR is still going on at Raleigh’s Triangle Industrial Park. Unfortunately none of the LENR companies or processes
that Darden mentioned were identified. Darden, the CEO of hedge fund,
Cherokee Investment Partners, said he feels increasingly good about cold
fusion research.
Posted by vlad on Thursday, February 09, 2017 @ 16:22:01 UTC (5644 reads)
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$20 Million+ XPrize for Abundant Clean Energy Technologies
Via e-catworld.com: Announcing the Development of $20 Million+ XPrize for Abundant Clean Energy Technologies (David Niebauer)
The future of humanity requires a new primary energy generation
technology that is clean, abundant, safe, and affordable. Renewables
such as solar PV and wind do not provide the energy density or
reliability necessary for a true energy transformation. We have relied
on the oldest technology known to man – the burning of fossil fuels –
for far too long. It is time to aggressively expand our search.
I am convinced that we are on the cusp of uncovering new primary
sources of energy that will radically transform our world. I am on a
mission to discover and promote these new technologies. Together with my
partners, I have executed an agreement with the X-Prize Foundation to
develop a Prize to stimulate innovation, investment and public
Bill Gates Launches $1 Billion Breakthrough Energy Investment Fund
Via Forbes.com: by Kerry A. Dolan (Forbes Staff): Billionaire philanthropist and investor Bill Gates is launching a $1 billion fund, called Breakthrough Energy Ventures, to invest in new forms of clean energy. Gates has gathered a group of like-minded investors, including Silicon Valley venture capitalists John Doerr and Vinod Khosla and former hedge manager John Arnold, to join him in the fund.
In a post on his Gates Notes blog, Gates said the fund will invest in “scientific breakthroughs that have the potential to deliver cheap and reliable clean energy to the world.”
“We need affordable and reliable energy that doesn’t emit greenhouse gas to power the future—and to get it, we need a different model for investing in good ideas and moving them from the lab to the market,” Gates said in his post.
Note: “Anything that leads to cheap, clean, reliable energy we’re open-minded to", says Gates. If indeed "anything" is on the table, to avoid wasting much of that billion on "marginal" impact technologies (many with strong lobby from vested interest trying to "drag" the status-quo that keeps them in control), I would suggest Mr. Gates to start by setting up a not-for-profit organization with the only mission to to carry out independent, objective, unbiased and widely accepted scientific validation of "private research" in the field of new energy technologies -- research that the present scientific community and media would otherwise consider an unacceptable departure from the conventional thinking. I have proposed the Extreme Science Foundation (XSF) in 2008, and it may still provide some good ideas to Mr. Gates. Please see my Note (and links) here (the Breakthrough Energy Coalition announcement last year). [Vlad]
Posted by vlad on Monday, December 12, 2016 @ 18:29:43 UTC (5388 reads)
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The Institute for Venture Science (IVS)
Funding Promising Ideas that Challenge Conventional Thinking
The Institute for Venture Science (IVS) will fund scientific inquiries into high-risk/high-reward theses. By virtue of their break with ideas that may have become more tradition than forward looking concepts, these fresh theses may lead to fundamental breakthroughs in understanding. The IVS will identify the most promising ideas that challenge prevailing paradigms; for each selected thesis it will simultaneously fund multiple research teams working independently in various nations around the world.
An unconventional idea independently pursued by a dozen laboratories that obtain mutually compatible results cannot be ignored. This means that proposed paradigms and prevailing paradigms can compete on equal footing.
Posted by vlad on Saturday, November 05, 2016 @ 16:54:34 UTC (3400 reads)
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Documentary: The Breakthrough in Renewable Energy (VPRO Backlight Video)
Via e-catworld.com: The following documentary video from the Dutch public broadcasting
agency VPRO provides an interesting perspective about the implications
of the falling price of wind and solar energy. The thesis of the video
is that now the unsubsidized cost of solar and wind energy is cheaper
than fossil fuels, and having reached this crossover point, the
financial equation has changed with major investment now flowing into
the renewable energy sector.
Sir Richard Branson Crowns BLOOM TECHNOLOGIES Winner of Extreme Tech Challenge O
From The Confluence Group: FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE
XTC Finals - Necker Island, British Virgin Islands
- The feverish race to Necker Island culminated with the long-awaited
and highly anticipated announcement of the Extreme Tech Challenge (XTC)
2016 Winner. Congratulations to XTC 2016 Winner Bloom Technologies!
First Place Winner Bloom Technologies brings the latest in prenatal
technology straight to the mother’s fingertips, simplifying the journey
for expectant parents everywhere. By crowdsourcing the largest and most
comprehensive dataset on prenatal health, Bloom Technologies has
created a way to better predict and manage preterm birth. Bloom
Technologies’ wearable smart device for mothers-to-be to wear during
their third trimester helps the mother better understand how her body is
preparing for labor and easily tracks the progression once labor has
Posted by vlad on Thursday, February 18, 2016 @ 02:40:21 UTC (5788 reads)
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Breakthrough Energy Coalition to Invest in Zero-Carbon Energy Technologies
PRNewswire reports: Bill Gates-led private sector effort to collaborate with public sector's Mission Innovation initiative
PARIS, Nov. 29, 2015 /PRNewswire/ -- The Breakthrough Energy Coalition, which launched today in Paris,
is a global group of private investors that will take the risks that
allow early-stage energy companies to get innovation out of the lab and
into the marketplace. The group will invest in companies that have the
best chance to make reliable zero-carbon energy available to everyone at
an affordable price. The Breakthrough Energy Coalition is made up of
more than 25 investors from 10 countries. It is launching in conjunction
with Mission Innovation,
an international effort of more than 15 governments to double their
commitments to early-stage energy research and development in order to
discover and invent the technologies that these investors can develop
into scalable, marketable solutions for our future global energy mix. To
learn more, visit www.breakthroughenergycoalition.com.
Note: Einstein well said: "No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it." I'm still not entirely clear what these smart and very rich ladies and gentlemen understand by "breakthrough" or "transformational" clean
energy technologies!? We need a quantum-leap clean energy Revolution (not just evolution) to survive, and we should be supporting researchers and inventors (all people actually) to go beyond what they think to be possible (such as this site does for many years). Well, if non-conventional energy research and technologies (that the present scientific community and media would otherwise consider an unacceptable departure from the conventional thinking) is on their radar, I urge them to take a look at my 2008 proposal for the Extreme Science Foundation (XSF and XS-NRG prize) concept and see if they can draw some valuable ideas from that honest attempt to do the right thing before it is too late. Please start with last year's summary posts: "Why support ZPEnergy and Xtreme Science Foundation? (Part One, Two and Three - use search for "XSF" for other relevant posts and comments on the subject). May The Force be with you Breakthrough Energy Coalition! - Vlad
Posted by vlad on Wednesday, December 02, 2015 @ 20:41:07 UTC (5794 reads)
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The New Energy Revolution Gets Down to Business
Welcome! This is LENR-Cities. LENR-Cities applies the sharing economy model to market development with a focus on disruptive technologies.
Manifesto - Our Vision
Our society needs new technologies that can supply abundant, cheap, clean energy. Only then can we restore and sustainably use the basic resources of our home, our “Planet A”.
LENR is the best candidate. Research into LENR (Low Energy Nanoscale Reactions) has been ongoing since 1989 and it is now a validated phenomenon at Technology Readiness Level 4. Our work with the LENR community has shown that in addition to energy, this field of science and technology holds potential for activities such as nuclear waste mitigation, transmutation, superconductivity, hydrogen production, direct production of electricity and others. We are using the umbrella term LENR as a reference to this field. LENR is deeply linked to materials science and is a major area of investment at the forefront of nanoscience and nanotechnology research.
Note: Yes, the global challenge is nothing less than to develop a new economy. But, if we can't change first the modern growth society which relies on an ever-accelerating cycle of production, consumption and throw away (see "planned obsolescence"), cheap/free energy may just be the kiss of death for the future humans on this "Planet A". [Vlad]
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Saturday, November 15, 2014 | · | Gates Looks at LENRs as Future Energy Source |
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We have to evade being deceived by the junk science first, but the real trick is in knowing the difference. -- R&D
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