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Godin and Roschin falsificators & pseudoscientists (???)
Posted on Saturday, May 29, 2004 @ 22:08:07 UTC by vlad

Science RAS Academician, Dr. Edward Kruglyakov, Chairman of the Russian Academy of Sciences Commission Against Falsification of Scientific Research: "In Dec. 2000, one of the best physics journals in Russia, Technical Physics Letters, published a paper by V.V. Roschin and S.M. Godin "Experimental Investigation of the Physical Effects in a Dynamic Magnetic System"... The short report mentions antigravitation (the weight of the device during experiments reduced from 350 kg to 250 kg) and "magnetic walls" discovered at a distance of 15 m from the axis of the device... and other miracles...

The editors presented their apology for having published this paper in the journal. And yet another detail regarding the paper. It was published on behalf of the Institute for High Temperatures, but the Institute has no relation whatsoever to this paper. Neither has there ever been the mentioned device in the Institute. Falsifications of this kind are typical of pseudoscience." (from the article "What Are the Dangers of Pseudoscience to the Public?" by Dr. E.P. Kruglyakov //Herald of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 2004, v. 74, #1, pp. 8-27.)

The Torsion Field Fraud Investigation

Foreign enterprises are being swindled! - claims the Russian Academy of Sciences. A group of Russian swindlers are seeking investors for their pseudoscientific projects based on what they call "torsion technologies". The pseudoscientists promise to quickly build "torsion flying saucers", "torsion communications", and "torsion weapons".

In Sept. 1998, in order to conduct an in-depth investigation into the ongoing torsion field fraud dating back to the 1980's, the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS) established the Commission Against Pseudoscience and Falsification of Scientific Research. The Commission published a collection of papers authored by Commission's Chairman, RAS Academician Dr. Edward Kruglyakov, disclosing numerous facts on the international torsion field fraud organized by a group of Russian swindlers in order to swindle the Russian and foreign governments and private enterprises. Co-Chairman of the Commission is RAS Academician Dr. Vitaly Ginzburg, the Nobel Prize Winner in Physics 2003.

Dr. V.L. Ginzburg: "An example of pseudoscience are projects dealing with practical application of torsion fields. Modern science knows four types of fields: gravitational field, electromagnetic field, and so-called weak and strong fields. In principle, there could exist other fields, in particular so-called torsion field - such possibility has been discussed in the framework of the General Relativity Theory. Various groups of physicists in many countries, including USSR, have been conducting experiments, which showed that torsion fields either do not exist in nature or they are so weak that even the most sensitive detectors cannot detect them. Thus it is quite obvious that torsion fields cannot be put to use as a means of communication or for any other practical purposes. But there appeared charlatans, who have been swindling illiterate military and KGB officers and have been getting large sums of money for their so-called "projects". Our Commission is unmasking those charlatans..." (full text of article by V.L.Ginzburg in Russian)

Dr. E.P. Kruglyakov: "One of the goals of the Commission Against Pseudoscience and Falsification of Scientific Research is to determine the reasons for unjustified dissemination of nonexistent "torsion technologies". Recently, we launched a new investigation... The documents are evidence of the fact that we are dealing with a longstanding large-scale fraud which has nothing in common with science. The fraud has reached a grandiose level..." (Science in Siberia, 2000, #7)

Read more at the new Russian Skeptic site: http://torsionfraud.narod.ru/



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"Godin and Roschin falsificators & pseudoscientists (???)" | Login/Create an Account | 6 comments | Search Discussion
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Re: Godin and Roschin falsificators & pseudoscientists (???) (Score: 1)
by vlad on Saturday, May 29, 2004 @ 22:14:24 UTC
(User Info | Send a Message) http://www.zpenergy.com
From the Sarfatti_Physics_Seminars yahoo group:

Date: Tue, 25 May 2004 12:26:09 -0700
From: Jack Sarfatti
Subject: Akimov, Shipov Torsion Field Controversy

My view on torsion fields for the record.

Saul-Paul Sirag says that torsion field are built into M-string theory
automatically. Local gauge invariance if applied to the max implies
torsion fields and other fields discussed by Tony Smith. These
additional gauge force fields are not in Einstein's 1916 general theory
of relativity but extend it. The issue here is how strong is the
torsion field coupling to quantum spins and rotating matter and to
collective modes that stay inside the physical vacuum? Akimov & Co
claim the coupling is strong. I do not know. I do know one American
physicist visited us at ISSO Torsion Physics Workshop in San Francisco
in 2000. Shipov was there. The American was working on a US Navy
Contract and got positive results. The Navy officially stopped the
contract after that result. It may have gone "Black." I don't know.

Technically there are internal and space-time symmetry groups in
globally flat quantum field theory. When you locally gauge the three
internal symmetry groups U(1)xSU(2)xSU(3) you get standard model of
elementary particles after you put in a Higgs mechanism in the SU(2)
sector and also break discrete parity mirror symmetry.

It is well known that if you locally gauge the space-time translation
group you get Einstein's 1916 theory of General Relativity of gravity.
It is also well-known that you get a torsion force field if you also
locally gauge the Lorentz group. You get even more force fields if you
locally gauge the special conformal transformations and the dilation

The issue is the coupling strengths - an empirical matter. That is what
all the controversy is essentially about.

On May 25, 2004, at 11:36 AM, David Crockett Williams wrote:

> What is the real reason for such extensive criticism by the
> "Russian scientific establishment" against the torsion field
> theory experiments and implications? Is it really that they
> just don't understand, or is there an intent due to fear this
> knowledge will "get out" to the detriment of their political
> agenda? Perhaps it is just a sincere disagreement, but
> why such aggressive attempts to debunk, all the fancy
> websites devoted to promoting the idea it is a "fraud"?
> Anyone with experience in the suppression of new ideas
> in science to maintain the status quo should see this vigor
> to debunk as an indication that there is something "real" here.
> "Methinks thou doest protest too much"?
> Perhaps Prof. Konkretny's feedback on the attached
> document will offer some insights here?
> From: Gennady I Shipov
> To: David Crockett Williams
> Subject: Re: did not even need to read Re: David G. Yurth and Falsificators.
> Date: May 24, 2004 11:24 PM
> Attachments: Technologes.jpg
> Hello, David!
> I send very important document (in Russian).
> This decision on researching of torsion fields and
> on creation of torsion technologies in Russia. The decision is signed
> by the Nobel prize winner on physics academician Prokhorov and others
> known scientists. It is the state program for 1991-1995.
> Konkretny, etc. simply do not know about it. And everything, that they
> do
> not know appears them as fraud.
> Shipov Gennady.

RAS attack on Frolov and Chernobrov (Score: 1)
by vlad on Saturday, May 29, 2004 @ 23:19:22 UTC
(User Info | Send a Message) http://www.zpenergy.com
From Sarfatti yahoo group: Alexander V. Frolov, the owner of the magazine New Energy Technologies, wrote:

We are real people (Frolov and Chernobrov and Akimov and so on)...

There is not such real person "professor". It is just a actor from Russian Academy of Science who is angry to see some scientific activity that is developing outside of the Academy.

We have real experimental facts and we are developing real technologies.

So, your voice is just a paid work from your Lord, your owner, who pay to "professor" and others for this stir. I think that he is not from Russia. Why? Because our activity is useful for Russia.

Our magazine New Energy Technologies is real news and good work! People pay for it since they like it. We are sending free sample of the magazine for everyone who ask me to send it. Then people subscribe. Why? They need it and they like it.

Alexander V. Frolov
>-----Original Message-----
>From: professor
>Sent: Thursday, May 27, 2004 4:54 PM
>To: sarfatti
>Cc: professor; kashnitskiy; editor@faraday.ru;
>chernobrov; lark1;
>Sarfatti_Physics_Seminars@yahoogroups.com; shipov
>Subject: Re: Chernobrov, Frolov & Frauds from Russia
>Jack, the point is that this "science fiction" is being
>presented as serious scientific facts. That's what pseudoscience
>is about. Both Chernobrov and Frolov write pseudoscientific books
>and papers and advertise them on the Internet; both of them
>make incredible claims about having built time machines (Chernobrov)
>and free energy generators (Frolov); both Chernobrov and Frolov
>have participated in a number of strange conferences where they
>reported their "inventions" (to wit, Chernobrov's time machines
>and Frolov's over-unity devices of all kinds and colors); Frolov
>sells his New Energy Technologies journal which is being sold to
>subscribers from 20 countries; those people are being deceived
>by Frolov, Chernobrov and the like. We are dealing with a serious
>international fraud here. That's what pseudoscience is about:
>falsification and mis/disinformation.
>On May 27, 2004 at 04:17 p.m. Jack Sarfatti wrote:
>>But this is clearly fantasy science-fiction like Harry Potter and Lord
>>of the Rings.
>>On May 27, 2004, at 3:03 AM, Alexander Konkretny wrote:
>>> http://torsionfraud.narod.ru/chernobrov.htm
>>> The Internet is teeming with websites trumpeting about the works
>>> of the team of young enthusiasts who call themselves "Kosmopoisk
>>> SpaceSearch Research Group" and their leader, "the outstanding
>>> Russian researcher and inventor" Vadim Chernobrov who, on a regular
>>> basis, organizes quests for dragons and yeti, builds time machines
>>> and writes books about his perilous adventures. And yet another
>>> "outstanding Russian researcher and inventor", Alexander V. Frolov,
>>> a good friend of Chernobrov's, advertises, on the Internet, his
>>> fascinating journal entitiled New Energy Technologies, wherein he,
>>> his friend Vadim Chernobrov, and other "outstanding Russian scientists"
>>> publish their reports about their experiments with time machines,
>>> flying saucers, free energy generators, torsion fields etc. According
>>> to Frolov's website, the journal is being successfully sold to
>>> subscribers from 20 counties.
>>> Here is an excerpt from the book by Vadim A. Chernobrov Mysteries
>>> of Time (published in Russian).
>>> (translation mine): "... In 1922, and then half a century later,
>>> in September of 1972, in the valley of Turgwill (which is also
>>> yclept The Place of Eighteen Dales and The Gate to the Other World)
>>> happed similar disappearances. Locals have been claiming that
>>> every half a century inexplicable phenomena are observed there.
>>> They say, in particular, that there, near the crystal clear
>>> Lake Alette, appear wolves with women's heads...
>>> And there, on the shore, dwell evil witches which lure belated
>>> strangers "to The Outer World Behind The Looking Glass". So, in 1972,
>>> a young geologist, Paul le Blan strayed nearby the lake and
>>> disappeared;
>>> they could not find him. He returned, two months later, in a place
>>> called
>>> Guze-Nadge, telling the local police that he "had served many a year as
>>> a padre in a church, asking God to redeem his parishioners from the
>>> wolves
>>> with women's heads..." [Vadim Chernobrov continues:] "We cannot but
>>> recall the mysterious island of Barsakelmess (which means "If thou
>>> goest
>>> thither, thou wilst not come back") which is situated in the
>>> North-Western
>>> part of the Aral Sea. This small island (27x12 km, but this size
>>> constantly grows) lures and attracts researchers... Many families have
>>> disappeared here, and the Kazakhs think that one of the reasons is
>>> the visiting of Barsakelmess by a prehistorical (!) flying dinosaur...
>>> Modern expeditions have disappered there as well..."
>>> Those interested in continuing this fascinating reading are incouraged
>>> to contact the author, Vadim A. Chernobrov and ask him whether he has
>>> yet translated this most interesting book into English and how to order
>>> a copy of this delirium.

Re: Godin and Roschin falsificators & pseudoscientists (???) (Score: 1)
by userpsy on Thursday, January 08, 2009 @ 05:05:20 UTC
(User Info | Send a Message)
pseudoscience is just a word used to hide the best discoveryes from ordinary people so .. stop using lies to deceive untrained minds because the universal energy will not forgive you and you will pay for your ignorance! Before posting lies search the internet and observe that KGB was the sponsor for torsion fields!!! what is the link between KGB and pseudoscience ?? maybe you can explain that !!??? hmmm YOU CANT !!!! because you are a liar... thats why .. and Dr. Edward Kruglyakov is just another negative person who couldnt get a share from torsion fields technology .. search google.. and dont lie to people anymore !! Torsion fields are already on the market and sold as medical devices... take a look on this site: www.torser.info


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