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LPP Fusion raising $1 million via equity crowdfunding
Posted on Saturday, November 11, 2017 @ 21:17:27 UTC by vlad

Investors Via NextBigFuture.com site: LPPFusion has launched an equity crowdfunding campaign to raise $1 million to fund the next major stage of their research to develop a cheap, clean, safe and unlimited source of energy. The campaign, which went live at Noon EST, Nov. 9 on the leading crowdfunding website Wefunder, is the first time that shares in LPPFusion will be available to all investors. In previous equity rounds, sales of shares in the US were limited to accredited investors—those with more than $1 million in assets or $200,000 in annual income. However, under new SEC rules approved last year, through the crowdfunding campaign, all investors, accredited and non-accredited, US and non-US, will be able to buy shares. A previous crowdfunding effort by LPPFusion in 2014 on the Indiegogo website raised $180,000 in donations, before the new rule allowed equity (share) crowdfunding.

LPPFusion is a small New Jersey R and D firm with the ambitious goal of reaching and developing a new route to producing fusion energy, the energy that powers the sun. Their technology is called Focus Fusion.

New experimental results, published in the October issue of the leading peer-reviewed journal Physics of Plasmas, demonstrated the highest confined mean ion energy of any fusion experiment in the world, an ion energy equivalent to a temperature of over 2.5 billion degrees C. This is over 200 times hotter than the center of the sun.

UC San Diego and LPPFusion have formalized a collaboration with an agreement on October 2. They aim to develop a dense plasma focus (DPF) device for fusion energy. “The alternate fusion schemes offer a potential route to fusion energy that could be faster and much cheaper than other approaches,” explains CER Director, Farhat N. Beg. “LPPFusion is a leader in this field and will make available to CER its research data and expertise to help us set up our own DPF facility at UC San Diego.”

LPPFusion’s FF-1 device is one of only a few mega-ampere DPFs in the world. Our research in the coming year will involve the first experiments using hydrogen-boron fuel. This fuel produces energy in the form of charged particles only, not neutrons, which both eliminates radioactive waste and makes possible inexpensive direct conversion of energy to electricity.

“The collaboration with the Center for Energy Research will help us to better analyze and understand our data,” said LPPFusion President and Chief Scientist Eric J. Lerner. “Their expertise in plasma simulation will aid our efforts in modeling our experiments. We also expect that, once their own DPF is functioning, we can perform joint experiments that will help demonstrate how the DPF energy output scales with energy input. That is crucial to achieving the goal of getting more energy out of the device than we put into it.”

The $ 1 million dollars that the company hopes to raise through the crowdfunding camping will go to speed the scientific research by allowing the hiring of more researchers and by funding the next set of experiment. These experiments will use beryllium electrodes in the experimental FF-1 device and then proceed to the use of hydrogen-boron fuel. This fuel produces no radioactive waste...

Full article: https://www.nextbigfuture.com/2017/11/lpp-fusion-raising-1-million-via-equity-crowdfunding.html


[Vlad] It may seem a great opportunity for non-accredited investors to participate in this endeavor (which is still a scientific research basically) but, please remember, this is a high-risk/high-reward investment and, as a rule of thumb (that I value for such cases), never invest more than you are comfortable to loose. If you go to https://wefunder.com/lppfusion and scroll down to "Risks Specific to LPPFusion" you can read a very honest compilation of these risks (kudos to Eric J. Lerner, President and Chief Scientist, who was from the beginning, very open and forthcoming with the progress and also failures/obstacles LPPFusion is facing).



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