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Past Surveys
· Would AI help solve the practical problems of tapping ZPE? (Results - 9 votes)
· To break-through, an OU device needs an acceptable theory. (Results - 138 votes)
· What FE tech will go commercial in 2017? (Results - 78 votes)
· What FE tech will win the FE race (Results - 0 votes)
· Release of FE techs will impact millions of jobs world-wide: (Results - 144 votes)
· The pursue of the idea of "free-energy" is: (Results - 103 votes)
· If you could support just one of them, which one would it be? (Results - 217 votes)
· As a businessman, to put money in (FE tech), you would need: (Results - 659 votes)
· Rossi's ECat is: (Results - 112 votes)
· What is critical to have for a disruptive tech to emerge? (Results - 184 votes)
· You are the inventor of a real FE technology; what would you prefer to:? (Results - 393 votes)
· What can best trigger a revolution in energy research? (Results - 60 votes)
· Which of the XSF positions you would be most qualified for? (Results - 171 votes)
· Which of the following you think is true? (Results - 220 votes)
· Do you think science has a duty to investigate FE claims? (Results - 282 votes)
· A reasonable XS-NRG Prize for a successful test of an O/U device would be: (Results - 401 votes)
· Would you support ($) a non profit foundation for scientific testing of FE claims? (Results - 260 votes)
· Is the Energy By Motion (EBM) technology the real thing? (Results - 173 votes)
· What is inventor's best & safest path to success? (Results - 236 votes)
· Should a free/open/reputable international FE technology testing organization be established? (Results - 156 votes)
· Are you a scientist? (Results - 206 votes)
· Where should funds be allocated first? (Results - 114 votes)
· Are you an inventor of a FE/OU generator device? (Results - 187 votes)
· Is Steorn challenge: (Results - 189 votes)
· You have a real, working FE device; where would you go first? (Results - 266 votes)
· Could the $1 billion energy prize go to a promising FE research? (Results - 129 votes)
· If detailed plans for a simple ZPE device were published, you would: (Results - 371 votes)
· Do you believe that tapping ZPE and controlling gravity are related? (Results - 179 votes)
· Please click on your gender below and help us estimate the “gender gap” on this site. (Results - 534 votes)
· Which New Energy Initiative would you support? (Results - 82 votes)
· YOU have resources but limited time; proving beyond doubt a FE/OU device would be: (Results - 137 votes)
· Name ONE "new energy device" you consider most promising to invest in. (Results - 85 votes)
· As the inventor of an O/U device, would you give it to the world for free? (Results - 331 votes)
· Are you aware that a global warming can turn into a long global cooling in as little as 10 years? (Results - 166 votes)
· Do we know what ENERGY really is? (Results - 205 votes)
· Can we still avoid the large scale catastrophic consequences of the global warming? (Results - 248 votes)
· Are you convinced ZPE and AG technologies already exist? (Results - 161 votes)
· If the workings of a ZPE device can't be explained, commercialization would be: (Results - 213 votes)
· The problem with promoting/supporting ZPE tapping research is: (Results - 225 votes)
· How fast a proven "home type FE" device will get to mass production? (Results - 202 votes)
· Given the other news sites reporting on ZPE research, is our service still useful? (Results - 72 votes)
· Which of the following is your favorite discussion group (see our list)? (Results - 61 votes)
· Have you ever experienced a FE device in operation? (Results - 361 votes)
· Is Distributed Generation (DG) the way to go? (Results - 104 votes)
· The challenge of tapping the ZPF for useful energy will be solved by: (Results - 284 votes)
· The challange of tapping the ZPF for useful energy will be solved by: (Results - 9 votes)
· Where on Earth do you live? (Results - 314 votes)
· If "ZPE bombs" are also possible, would you still want ZPE tapping technology released? (Results - 258 votes)
· Do you have a technical background? (Results - 300 votes)
· Serious "ZPE/vacuum energy" research should now be funded by: (Results - 160 votes)
· First successful ZPE tapping device will be: (Results - 243 votes)
· An infinite Universe (concept) would revolutionize Physics(?) (Results - 125 votes)
· Is "String Theory" and its implications reputable science? (Results - 124 votes)
· For now, secrecy orders on FE patents are justified. (Results - 129 votes)
· Will the US have to build more nuclear power plants in the next 25 years? (Results - 137 votes)
· Should ZPEnergy continue to allow Anonymous posting? (Results - 138 votes)
· Which experiment is more important to you? Building a: (Results - 142 votes)
· First revolutionary (FE/ZPE) energy device will emerge in? (Results - 131 votes)
· Which scenario will trigger the 'doomsday'? (Results - 199 votes)
· Which one could have an official breakthrough before 2012 ? (Results - 170 votes)
· Is there any "science" in the FE/OU "research"? (Results - 54 votes)
· Has the existence of the "Geometric Energy Field" been proven? (Results - 72 votes)
· Is now the right time for "free energy"? (Results - 154 votes)
· Should DOE start a Breakthrough Energy Physics program (like NASA’s BPP)? (Results - 121 votes)
· To practically and efficiently solve the “FE riddle”, the emphasis should be on: (Results - 125 votes)
· Would you invest in an O/U device just because you read about it here? (Results - 83 votes)
· What would you consider a fair price ($US) for the residential model of the Edison Device (Results - 177 votes)
· What is the best model for bringing a real OU device to the people? (Results - 145 votes)
· IF Dr. Greer's recently discovered device is a scam, how was it done? (Results - 57 votes)
· Ask Genesis World Energy a question: (ENDS THIS WEEK!) (Results - 89 votes)
· When do you expect to see the Genesis device on the market? (Results - 219 votes)
· Was Dr. Steven Greer's announcement premature: (Results - 151 votes)
· The 2-nd law of thermodynamics is a statistical principle (like “all crows are black”), that is: (Results - 138 votes)
· What would convince you ZPE tapping devices are real? (Results - 171 votes)
· Can useful energy from the ZPE be extracted? (Results - 114 votes)
Surveys Attached to Articles
· Do you have the math/physics level to understand this post? (Results - 22 votes)
- Attached to article: On the nonlocality of gravity energy 1

· Is this post too technical for our readers? (Results - 35 votes)
- Attached to article: EVO Dark Energy Charge-Cluster Cold Fusion Bomb Size and Puthoff's Wrong Model

· Do you feel safe with... biology based solutions? (Results - 13 votes)

· Do you agree with Karn that the ZPE research field is so polluted by quacks? (Results - 54 votes)
- Attached to article: Zero-Point Bomb

· How would you consider this post? (Results - 16 votes)
- Attached to article: The Great Blackout of 2003


All logos and trademarks in this site are property of their respective owner. The comments are property of their posters, all the rest © 2002-2016 by ZPEnergy. Disclaimer: No content, on or affiliated with ZPEnergy should be construed as or relied upon as investment advice. While every effort is made to ensure that the information contained on ZPEnergy is correct, the operators of ZPEnergy make no warranties as to its accuracy. In all respects visitors should seek independent verification and investment advice.
Keywords: ZPE, ZPF, Zero Point Energy, Zero Point Fluctuations, ZPEnergy, New Energy Technology, Small Scale Implementation, Energy Storage Technology, Space-Energy, Space Energy, Natural Potential, Investors, Investing, Vacuum Energy, Electromagnetic, Over Unity, Overunity, Over-Unity, Free Energy, Free-Energy, Ether, Aether, Cold Fusion, Cold-Fusion, Fuel Cell, Quantum Mechanics, Van der Waals, Casimir, Advanced Physics, Vibrations, Advanced Energy Conversion, Rotational Magnetics, Vortex Mechanics, Rotational Electromagnetics, Earth Electromagnetics, Gyroscopes, Gyroscopic Effects

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