Violation of thermodinamics law, Maxwell’s theory, and cold fusion
Date: Thursday, November 03, 2011 @ 22:34:35 GMT
Topic: Science

The operation of the eCat in self sustained mode during 5,5 hours has stimullated the reaction of the physicists against the Rossi's invention, as we may see in some mainstream journals, as Discovery News:
“Scientists say the method — cold fusion — is patently impossible. They say it defies the laws of physics.”

Of course cold fusion does NOT violate the fundamental law of thermodinamics: the energy comes from some “place”. The problem with the current prevailling theories is because from their foundations there is no way to explain what sort of “place” it can be.

However, there is another mystery that current theories cannot explain. Because beyond the quantum spin of elementary particles, they also have an intrinsic spin: they gyrate about their axis (like the Earth gyrates about its axis in 24 hours). Such rotation of the particles creates their magnetic fields. For instance, within a nucleus the protons gyrate, and their rotation is responsible for the nuclear magnetic field of the nucleus (the nucleus also has a rotation, which increases the magnetic field created by the protons).

But from Maxwell’s theory an electric charge with rotation must irradiate eleoctromagnetic energy (photons). And so, a proton gyrating would have to emit electromagnetic energy, and it would have to stop to gyrate after its kinetic energy of rotation is over.

Therefore the current theories cannot explain why the elementary particles like the proton and electron violate the Maxwell’s law.

In Quantum Ring Theory the proton has two fields: one inner principal field (composed by a flux of gravitons), and its rotation induces an external secondary electromagnetic field (composed by electric massless particles of the aether).  It is responsible for the Coulombic interactions.

The external electromagnetic field does not gyrate (and therefore it does not violate the Maxwell’s law).

But the inner gravitational field of the proton gyrates, and so it must emit gravitational energy.
But the proton’s gravitational fields does not stop to gyrate.
And therefore we have to conclude that, in spite of its field of gravitions emits gravitational energy, obviously it must receive gravitational energy from “somewhere”, in order to replace the energy emitted.

The question is: “where” the energy which replaces the energy emitted by the proton’s gravitational field comes from ?

It is known that Tesla supposed that the energy of the radioactive nuclei comes from the Sun. And he had reason to be intrigued with the phenomenon. After all, the radioactive nuclei emit energy along billion years. It’s hard to believe that such energy was stored into a nucleus, which continues emitting it along billions years.

I think Tesla was right. I suspect that the gravitational energy which replaces the energy emitted by the proton’s field comes from the Sun.

I also think such gravitational energy coming from the Sun is responsible for the excess energy in cold fusion occurrence.

As it’s impossible to have violation of the fundamental law of thermodinamics, then (when Rossi’s eCat will be definitivelly accepted by the scientific oomunnity) the physicists will be obliged to realize that the energy supplied by the eCat working in the self sustained mode comes from somewhere.

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