AEI's e-Newsletter #116 - Feb 2005
Date: Sunday, February 13, 2005 @ 19:44:40 GMT
Topic: General


In nature, ecosystems are constantly changing and transforming. This is also true of dynamic organizations. AEI is in the midst of a major transition: revisiting the successes of its past and planning a new vision for its future. In the March 2005 Newsletter, we'll bring you up to speed on some exciting things we're planning for the future as well as stories of what some of AEI's past and current employees are up to. Stay tuned.

Our February Newsletter highlights the work of two dynamic environmental organizations founded by Lester Brown: Worldwatch Institute and The Earth Policy Institute. Both of these organizations are committed to encouraging proactive solutions to the threats posed by continuing population growth, rising CO2 emissions, the loss of biodiversity, shrinking water supplies, and other trends that are adversely affecting the Earth. Through disseminating information on global environmental trends, Worldwatch is helping to set the public agenda for what can be done to reverse environmental deterioration. The mission of the Earth Policy Institute is to provide a vision of what an environmentally sustainable economy will look like, a roadmap of how to get from here to there, and an ongoing assessment of this effort, of where progress is being made and where it is not.

AEI actively embraces the mission of both of these organizations. In fact, we are currently exploring the possibility of collaborating with the Earth Policy Institute and others to offer future experiential education programs in sustainability. Stay tuned for more information on this in future newsletters.

We hope you enjoy the articles in this newsletter and welcome your feedback, questions, and suggestions!

With gratitude for your commitment to sustainability,

Dave and Sue Oakes

In this issue:

*Guest of the month: Our February 2005 guest of the month is Lester Brown, founder of Earth Watch Institute and founder and current President of the Earth Policy Institute.

"We are creating a bubble economy-an economy whose output is artificially inflated by drawing down the earth's natural capital," says Lester R. Brown in his new book, Plan B: Rescuing a Planet Under Stress and a Civilization in Trouble.

AEI is proud to be collaborating with and spotlighting the Earth Policy Institute in Washington, D.C. What is the Earth Policy Institute about? Why is AEI interested in collaborating with EPI?

*Our Green Light Award goes to: WORLDWATCH INSTITUTE
Founded by Lester Brown in 1974, the Worldwatch Institute offers a unique blend of interdisciplinary research, global focus, and accessible writing that has made it a leading source of information on the interactions among key environmental, social, and economic trends. WI's work revolves around the transition to an environmentally sustainable and socially just society-and how to achieve it.

*Supporting Sustainability: THE SHORT PATH TO OIL INDEPENDENCE Gas-Electric Hybrids and Wind Power Offer Winning Combination
(Reprinted with permission from the Earth Policy Institute):
With the price of oil above $50 a barrel, with political instability in the Middle East on the rise, and with little slack in the world oil economy, we need a new energy strategy. Fortunately, the outline of a new strategy is emerging with two new technologies...
This e-newsletter will be on the AEI site next month.
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