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Planck's law of radiative heat transfer fails at nanoscale
Posted on Wednesday, September 05, 2018 @ 08:57:53 UTC by vlad

Science Anonymous writes: From Sciencealert.com: Planck's law of radiative heat transfer has held up well under a century of intense testing, but a new analysis has found it fails on the smallest of scales.

Exactly what this means isn't all that clear yet, but where laws fail, new discoveries can follow. Such a find wouldn't just affect physics on an atomic scale – it could impact everything from climate models to our understanding of planetary formation.

The foundational law of quantum physics was recently put to the test by researchers from William & Mary in Virginia and the University of Michigan, who were curious about whether the age-old rule could describe the way heat radiation was emitted by nanoscale objects.

Not only does the law fail, the experimental result is 100 times greater than the predicted figure, suggesting nanoscale objects can emit and absorb heat with far greater efficiency than current models can explain.

"That's the thing with physics," says William & Mary physicist Mumtaz Qazilbash.

"It's important to experimentally measure something, but also important to actually understand what is going on."



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Re: Planck's law of radiative heat transfer fails at nanoscale (Score: 1)
by WGUGLINSKI on Saturday, September 08, 2018 @ 05:06:55 UTC
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From: Wladimir guglinski
Sent: Saturday, September 8, 2018 1:35 AM
To: pramodr@umich.edu
Cc: linxzhu@umich.edu; mrohith@umich.edu; dakotaht@umich.edu
Subject: Hundred-fold enhancement in far-field radiative heat transfer over the blackbody limit

To: Prof. Pramod Reddy
Linxiao Zhu
Rohith Mittapally
Dakotah Thompson
University of Michigan

I would like to comment your discovery published in Nature:

The way heat radiation is emitted must be connected with the structure of the electric fields of elementary particles, as the proton and electron.
But there is not any physical model of electric field proposed in Physics.

A physical model of electric field, composed by line forces of gravitons and electricitons, is proposed in the paper "On how Bohr model of hydrogen atom is connected to nuclear physics", as seen in the Figures 1 and 2:
Return to Article Details On how Bohr model of hydrogen atom is connected ‎to ‎nuclear physics Download Download PDF On how Bohr model of hydrogen atom is ...

From this model of electric fields, a conclusion is inferred:  the Coulomb law F= K.Qq/d² does not work in nanoscales.  For distances shorter than 1000fm, the law of electric interaction between two electric fields is F= K.Qq/(d^x), where x<2.

The equations that rule the interaction between the electric field of two particles, in distances between 1,0fm and 100fm, are proposed in the page 14 of the paper "Mathematical confirmation for the nuclear properties K(O)= K(Ca)= 1/2K(Si)= 1/2K(Fe)":
The equations, from eq. (17) up to eq. (26), also show that the Coulomb repulsion between two particles depends on the velocity of the particles, and also on the way as they move (if in contrary directions, or if one of them is leaving the other, as occurs when alpha particles leaves the nucleus U238 in the alpha decay).

I think this physical model of electric field can be the way for the explanation on why nonoscale objects can emit and absorb heat with far greater efficiency than current theories can explain.

Wladimir Guglinski


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