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Dr. Eugene Mallove is dead
Posted on Saturday, May 15, 2004 @ 12:21:04 UTC by vlad
Shocking and tragic news from Steven B. Krivit:
It is with great sadness that we report the passing of Gene Mallove, who was killed on May 14, 2004 apparently due to some sort of involvement with a property dispute. It is considered by the police to be a homicide and an investigation is underway.
Gene is survived by his wife Joanne, son Ethan and daughter Kim. No funeral arrangements are known at this time.
Gene Mallove, who, in his 1991 book "Fire from Ice: Searching for the Truth behind the Cold Fusion Furor," was the first to courageously and boldly express the truth behind cold fusion, long before any science journalist even dared to ask questions that challenged the prevailing view. For 15 years, Gene maintained the cold fusion "torch" at great personal sacrifice, which initially drew many to learn the truth behind cold fusion.
Gene's generosity and commitment to a better world will be forever appreciated. Christy Frazier, the office manager at Infinite Energy (Phone 603-485-4700), or Steven Krivit at New Energy Times (310) 721-5919 may be contacted, however this is the limit of what is known at this time.
Steven B. Krivit
New Energy Times
Los Angeles, California, USA
Phone: (310) 470-8189
Fax: (310) 470-8190
Shocked and outraged, we couldn’t find the words to express our feelings, but Jeane, inspired as always, did: Vlad, I'm still in shock, but maybe your suggestion will help me -- write something about our friend. I'll just plunge in:
The courageous truth-seeking soul that lived in our time as Eugene Mallove, Ph.D.-- loyal husband, father, son, friend, feisty writer, witty humorous raconteur, and dedicated scientist -- that soul, that blazing spark of the divine eternal light will never die.
That's all I can say. This is a loss for all of us. This world has lost a rare combination of articulate gutsy insightful scientist who described the big picture of New Energy possibilities. He didn't remain in the safe haven of accepted dogma. He sacrificed the secure salary of that haven and tramped out onto the frontier where a more inspiring life-oriented energy science is being discovered. With help from close associates he created a magazine, a New Energy laboratory, a foundation. Through discouraging times, he kept going. He was almost to the goal.
My heart goes out to his family.
One of the board members of the New Energy Movement, Steve Kaplan, phoned me a minute ago. We agreed that a way to honor Gene's memory would be to, as well as we are able, emulate his relentless dedicated service in trying to bring about a clean-energy future and a science that recognizes the life force.
No one can replace Gene Mallove. But we can do our best with the tasks we each can do. To clear the space for a new energy paradigm, some can work toward a better system of governance or an honest monetary system, and others work for a better education system to allow a new life-enhancing paradigm. Each of us can do our bit to plant seeds of knowledge and encourage others. Call me Pollyanna if you wish. But IMHO we can choose to cringe in grief and fear after yet another tragedy, or we can choose to strengthen in determination and solidarity and, remembering Gene's fighting spirit, accomplish much.
Jeane Manning
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Average Score: 4.29 Votes: 288

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Re: Dr. Eugene Mallove is dead (Score: 1) by nanotech on Saturday, May 15, 2004 @ 16:40:42 UTC (User Info | Send a Message) | This is truly the saddest news I have heard all day :(((
all I can say is this: Low Energy Nuclear Reaction/Chemically assisted nuclear reaction, zero point vacuum space energy research will continue, unabated, and the people who think its fake need to wake up and smell the virtual particles.
Re: Dr. Eugene Mallove is dead (Score: 1) by vlad on Saturday, May 15, 2004 @ 18:55:52 UTC (User Info | Send a Message) http://www.zpenergy.com | It is with great sadness that we report the passing of Gene Mallove, who was killed on May 14, 2004, possibly in relation to a property dispute. A homicide investigation is underway.
Gene is survived by his wife Joanne, his son, Ethan, and his daughter, Kim. Funeral arrangements are unknown at this time and will be listed here as soon as they are available.
We believe that Gene Mallove will one day be recognized as one of the greatest science journalists of his time. He was an authoritative historian and innovative investigator within the new energy field. Through his 1991 book, "Fire from Ice: Searching for the Truth behind the Cold Fusion Furor," Gene was the first to courageously and boldly express the reality of cold fusion, long before any other science journalist dared to ask questions that challenged the prevailing view. In 1996, he reached an even broader audience with his highly educational video, "Cold Fusion: Fire From Water."
For 15 years, he worked tirelessly and relentlessly, at great personal sacrifice, to foster and oversee the development of cold fusion and other new energy experimentation at his New Energy Research Laboratory. He published Infinite Energy: The Magazine of New Energy Technology, which provided a "torch" of information that drew and enlightened many to the existence and legitimacy of cold fusion and other emerging new energy technologies. Most recently, he established the New Energy Foundation, a non-profit corporation, which provides grants to researchers and developers in the field of new energy.
Gene will be remembered for the immense support and encouragement he provided to cold fusion researchers around the world, whose progress and achievements he recognized, chronicled and publicized through a wide variety of media. His tremendous efforts have shown increasing success over the past few years and continue to bear fruit, as is evidenced by the growing media attention in support of cold fusion. Gene's generosity toward the scientific community, his commitment to the integrity of Science, and his dedication to creating a better world, will be forever appreciated and celebrated.
For more information, contact Christy Frazier, Office Manager at Infinite Energy (Phone 603-485-4700), or Steven Krivit of New Energy Times (310) 721-5919.
Steven B. Krivit
Nadine Winocur, Psy.D.
New Energy Times
Los Angeles, California, USA
Phone: (310) 470-8189
Re: Dr. Eugene Mallove is dead (Score: 1) by howardb on Saturday, May 15, 2004 @ 19:22:52 UTC (User Info | Send a Message) | What a sad day. The world has lost a man of "unquenchable honor and unbendable courage"
What a sad sad day.
Howard Brinton |
Local coverage (Score: 1) by chipotle_pickle on Saturday, May 15, 2004 @ 23:51:52 UTC (User Info | Send a Message) http://freehydrogen.blogspot.com | http://www.norwichbulletin.com/news/stories/20040516/localnews/430783.html
Might be behind the other sources here. Seems less certain about who died and why. hn |
Re: Dr. Eugene Mallove is dead (Score: 0) by Anonymous on Sunday, May 16, 2004 @ 03:47:37 UTC | To the wife and family of Dr Eugene Mallove:
Sending my profound condolesences and love to get through the loss of your loved one in this difficult time. He will be missed so much. The world is better off having had him with us for so short a time. . .a fine human being. |
Re: Dr. Eugene Mallove is dead (Score: 0) by Anonymous on Sunday, May 16, 2004 @ 08:03:48 UTC | Gene was a true God send for this field of shy scientists. At times we didn't all agree with his views, but his vision and voice will be sorely be missed. He spoke the truth against all odds, and he brought many views to the table for discussion. He had a nack of walking the line between the world of mass media and science writing, bringing attention to important trends.
May his family find consolation in knowing that his spirit lives on in many hearts and minds and that the sun *will shine* someday in this field as we all hope and dream. Its happening and will continue to happen and we can all help make this field and his dream live on by reminding folks about the positive applications of technology...on this we all must educate.
-anonymous |
Re: Dr. Eugene Mallove is dead (Score: 0) by Anonymous on Sunday, May 16, 2004 @ 12:09:57 UTC | He is now working with the Masters in Heaven to bring forth great miracles of transformation... |
Sign Condolences to Family & Friends of Dr. Eugene Mallove (Score: 1) by vlad on Sunday, May 16, 2004 @ 16:55:17 UTC (User Info | Send a Message) http://www.zpenergy.com | From Sterling D. Allan:
Sign your remarks to the family and friends of Dr. Eugene Mallove.
Eugene Mallove, Torch Bearer for Cold Fusion, Dies
Memorial article by former associates, Marc Plotkin and Marc Whitford
Eulogy page:
In Memory of Dr. Eugene Mallove (Score: 1) by vlad on Sunday, May 16, 2004 @ 18:22:37 UTC (User Info | Send a Message) http://www.zpenergy.com | Gary Voss writes: I want to make an observation of a moment to remember our good friend Dr. Eugene Mallove since his passing as a result of a recent brutal murder.
It is still inconclusive, yet not to be dismissed as highly probable the suspect of foul play to have had a hand of involvement to intentionally silence this exemplary leader of the pack who would risk everything to prove to the world that free energy is abundant and available all over and relatively chep and inexpensive to reproduce right in your own kitchen! which I might point out that the DOD considered a threat thus the motive for hiring disinformationalist contracted out to put a spin on this by intenionally corrupting the data from cold fussion replication experiments, moreover is the motive for hiring a hit on his life is which is without question in consideration of his plans to confront this issue on a very highly influential platform that would fi nally provide the smoking gun to put the disinformation campaign to bed once and for all, it's just a real tragedy that the gunsmoke trail had to end in his sudden death, yet we should rival from this and do what he would have asked us all, and that is that the show must go on! we will not back down, and if we rally collectively to act swiftly, we could turn this around to benefit the very target of trying to stop us from doing so.
Best Personal Regards to all,
---Gary Voss
T.A.P.-T.E.N. Research Foundation International
San Diego, CA.
http://groups.yahoo.com/group/tapten |
COLD FUSION LEADER EUGENE MALLOVE MURDERED (Score: 1) by vlad on Sunday, May 16, 2004 @ 18:42:34 UTC (User Info | Send a Message) http://www.zpenergy.com | Editor of Infinite Energy Magazine Murdered Friday
by Erik Baard
Eugene Mallove, editor of Infinite Energy magazine and the leading advocate of cold fusion research, was murdered Friday, apparently over a rental property dispute.
Dr. Mallove, born in 1947, was a science publicist for MIT in 1989, when chemists Stanley Pons and Martin Fleischmann at the University of Utah reported experiments producing excess heat through what they believed to be a new nuclear process. Cold fusion refers to a tabletop reaction in which two atomic nuclei are forced together without the extreme pressures and temperatures of the interior of a star, where this phenomenon usually occurs.
Such a discovery would be revolutionary because energy released by the reaction could replace fossil fuels and nuclear fission reactors in the world economy. But mainstream scientists argued that the results weren't reproducable, and that Pons and Fleischmann had undermined the seriousness of their claim by announcing their results prematurely to the media.
Mallove, however, became convinced that proponents of larger "hot fusion" experiments were covering up results that confirmed the existence of cold fusion. Mallove clashed with researchers and administrators at MIT over the issue and soon left the university. He helped pull together a community of like-minded scientists and engineers, including science fiction writer and futurist Sir Arthur C. Clarke, to maintain momentum in examining the possibility of low energy nuclear reactions. The US Department of Energy recently announced it would re-examine the cold fusion question in light of data produced over the past 15 years by researchers who believe in the phenomenon.
More broadly, Mallove became suspicious of career skeptics and debunkers like Robert Park of the American Physical Society. He embraced many controversial claims, among them evidence for artifacts on Mars, UFOs, new energy sources, cosmic ether, and refutations of the Big Bang theory. Infinite Energy magazine is one the rare publications to explore such "fringe" topics.
People associated with Infinite Energy magazine announced Mallove's murder in an email Saturday, describing the homicide investigation as on-going. He resided in New Hampshire but was murdered in Connecticut while cleaning out a house belonging to his parents. He had recently evicted tenants renting that home, according to magazine staff. Mallove is survived by his wife Joanne, son Ethan, and daughter Kim.
Posted on : http://www.baard.com/ |
Dr. Eugene Mallove - latest details and comments (Score: 1) by vlad on Monday, May 17, 2004 @ 21:17:52 UTC (User Info | Send a Message) http://www.zpenergy.com | "...Norwich police released few details about the homicide, but Mallove's brother-in-law, who had been in contact with detectives throughout yesterday, said authorities have several leads, including numerous fingerprints lifted from the crime scene. ``They have suspects,'' Joe Lipowski said. At least 10 officers are working on the case, he said.
Mallove's daughter, Kimberlyn Woodard, 30, said her father, as landlord of the property, would go to the house every month to clean and do maintenence. He traveled to the house on Friday, she said. It had not been rented for several months..."
(from: http://news.bostonherald.com/localRegional/view.bg?articleid=28182)
"One measure of the type of man he is is that we've had thousands and thousands of e-mails and phone calls already. It's fresh news, but it's all over the world already," said Christy Frazier, managing editor of the magazine, when reached by phone yesterday.
"It's going to impact the world, not just his friends and family," she said of Mallove's death. "This will change the face of new energy. He was the biggest fighter for new energy and new energy inventors."
From a professional standpoint, the loss is particularly difficult, said Frazier, because the US Department of Energy had recently announced it had ordered a review of cold fusion for the first time since 1989, which Mallove had called a "breakthrough" in a New Hampshire newspaper interview. Cold fusion, a theoretical way of creating energy, has been largely discounted by the scientific establishment. Proponents hope it could produce cheaper, safer electricity, among other things..."
(from: http://www.boston.com/news/local/massachusetts/articles/2004/05/17/police_eye_robbery_in_killing_of_scientist/)
Dear Fellows:
Perhaps the next question, in light of recent events, is to ask "where exactly are we at?". No doubt that Eugene was making some very unique headway into Cold Fusion and LENR research, and his loss will be profound, but one thing that I would like to ask is that we also begin to look at where he was going and how we can continue his legacy to bring these technologies forward into the light.
Cold Fusion is one of many new technologies that I've either read up on or directly done research into. A number of these areas are almost "Phantoms", in that they always appear to be a year-away from commercial development, but the more that you work on them to less tangible they appear. Antigravity is certainly in this arena -- after 12 years of research, including 2 years of basically calling up everybody with any ideas on the phone, I can honestly say that I know less about this than I did starting out.
I could write a book about public perception of alternative science, but its faster to summarize the theme by stating "they care less than we thought they did". Either our efforts are a mere novelty, or instead the public feels impotent to help and simply figures that "sombody else is working on it". In either case, that's bad news for this type of research (funded out of pocket with virtually no support from mainstream science).
Mallove was a giant in this field, because he brought credibility to research that would otherwise be marginalized. We need to continue to provide credibility, and the primary way to achieve this is to first stop the infighting that this community is so notorious for, and then find ways to present a unified front for the public to put their interest into.
We've achieved a lot of the preliminary goals that have eluded researchers in this area in the past -- we've found lots of potential technologies, and attained publicity (or at least notoriety) in the public mind. The question now is where to go from here? Gene Mallove had an idea on this, and he will be missed by us all. However, maybe this is an opportunity to come together and become organized in our efforts, rather than letting fear and paranoia take hold.
Tim Ventura
Dr."ColdFusion" on the Louie Free Show (Score: 0) by Anonymous on Tuesday, May 18, 2004 @ 19:30:02 UTC | I always told Dr. Mallove that because of him and a select other few, we're able to refer to the show as" The IntelligentAlternative/Brainfood from the Heartland"
Dr. "ColdFusion" always educated,enlightened and inspired myself + my audience -more and more w/every visit to the show.
As I sit here thinking of Dr. Mallove, I think of the Todd Rudgren song: " A Dream Goes on Forever", that is of course, untill one of you makes the dream of COLD FUSION a reality for all of us-I can think of no better way to honour Dr. Eugene"ColdFusion" Mallove's memory......
-Louie b. Free |
Mallove laid to rest yesterday in Concord; How we can help (Score: 1) by vlad on Wednesday, May 19, 2004 @ 21:46:45 UTC (User Info | Send a Message) http://www.zpenergy.com |
"...Several hundred people gathered at the Temple Beth Jacob in Concord Tuesday to honor the 56-year-old Norwich native in those personal ways.
"I can't rationalize how such a philosophical man could fall victim to such a brutal, senseless crime," said his son, Ethan Mallove..."
Also see: Infinite Energy GreaterThings NewEnergyTimes for more on this tragic event.
Suggestion for honoring Gene Mallove from Jeane Manning:
Vlad, a friend of mine who is a cold-fusion researcher emailed the following suggestion to me to pass on:
"I did have one idea which I believe might honor Gene's memory maybe more than anything else we could do, short of coming up with a solid working prototype of a CF engine. If all of his friends to purchase and read, or reread, a copy of The Quickening Universe and Fire From Ice it might help the light stay alive. Eugene, through his writing, in his own inimitable, delightful way, still has the power to reach out and instill in all of us that magical inspiration which we all so loved in him in life. Its the best way I know of remembering our friend. The funds derived from such actions could contribute in some small way to the continuance of IE or perhaps help Gene's family. "
Jeane M
Re: Dr. Eugene Mallove is dead (Score: 0) by Anonymous on Friday, May 21, 2004 @ 17:19:23 UTC | During the past few years I have developed great respect for Dr. Eugene Mallove. I met him only once in his office in Concord for intensive discussions in gravitational physics and in low temperature collective phenomena, especially High-Tc superconductivity. I realize quickly I was in the presence of a great individual with very keen powers of comprehension in the natural sciences and in the subtlies deep under the surface appearance of the world around us. Clearly I realized during these years that I have been reading Infinite-Energy and authored two papers therein, that Dr. Mallove was both a courageous pioneer in the progressive understanding of modern physics and a fine scientist himself as well as a science writer. His death is a shocking earthquake to his family, scientific colleagues, and all of his friends and acquaintances, and we can do in the wake of this tragedy is persevere forward in mainstream and in non-mainstream physics so that what Dr. Mallove championed, almost as a lone soldier Horatio, will not perish from the earth.
Dr. Gary C. Vezzoli, Senior Research Physicist |
Re: Dr. Eugene Mallove is dead (Score: 0) by Anonymous on Monday, May 24, 2004 @ 06:55:27 UTC | I just read about Gene Malvoe's murder. I knew him.
If you want the clear science on what "cold fusion" is all about I suggest you read NUCLEAR TRANSMUTATION. A Japanese scientist is the author.
Cold fusion is good science as Brodkis at the U of Texas has demonstrated.
I am working on a project that will produce and store hydrogen. Very simple. It has been advanced significantly by fiber storage tanks that are now being produced. My efforts can be viewed at www.hydrogen-llc.com
Now for "conspiracy theories". Go to www.photovoltaics.com and first read about my work in photovoltaics. Then read about my bringing forward facts about corruption in Florida. That is why at first my work was destroyed. Next read about the D/T bombs that no one talks about and that are real, and coming here. This is now why I am being targeted.
All this was random at first but because I kept on pressing and bringing forward facts I have been targeted, like Gene.
Lawrence Curtin |
Re: Dr. Eugene Mallove is dead (Score: 0) by Anonymous on Friday, July 23, 2004 @ 14:28:46 UTC | Go to: www.photovoltaics.com
Pass it on... |
Re: Dr. Eugene Mallove is dead (Score: 1) by johnkhutchison on Monday, November 02, 2009 @ 12:43:59 UTC (User Info | Send a Message) http://Www.johnkhutchison.com | tragic very tragic story he was one of the best i never met him wished i had i agree with jeane manning well said , may the angeles be with you
Re: Dr. Eugene Mallove is dead (Score: 1) by jessonerik on Friday, November 13, 2009 @ 09:57:01 UTC (User Info | Send a Message) | It is with great sadness that we report the passing
of Gene Mallove, who was killed on May 14, 2004,
possibly in relation to a property dispute. A homicide
investigation is underway.
Gene is survived by
his wife Joanne, his son, Ethan, and his daughter, Kim.
Funeral arrangements are unknown at this time and will
be listed here as soon as they are available.
believe that Gene Mallove will one day be recognized as
one of the greatest science journalists of his time. He
was an authoritative historian and innovative
investigator within the new energy field. Through his
1991 book, "Fire from Ice: Searching for the Truth
behind the Cold Fusion Furor," Gene was the first to
courageously and boldly express the reality of cold
fusion, long before any other science journalist dared
to ask questions that challenged the prevailing view. In
1996 when he launched health insurance [www.hostseeq.com]program, he reached an even broader audience with his
highly educational video, "Cold Fusion: Fire From
For 15 years, he worked tirelessly and
relentlessly, at great personal sacrifice, to foster and
oversee the development of cold fusion and other new
energy experimentation at his New Energy Research
Laboratory. He published Infinite Energy: The Magazine
of New Energy Technology, which provided a "torch" of
information that drew and enlightened many to the
existence and legitimacy of cold fusion and other
emerging new energy technologies. Most recently, he
established the New Energy Foundation, a non-profit
corporation, which provides grants to researchers and
developers in the field of new energy.
Gene will
be remembered for the immense support and encouragement
he provided to cold fusion researchers around the world,
whose progress and achievements he recognized,
chronicled and publicized through a wide variety of
media. His tremendous efforts have shown increasing
success over the past few years and continue to bear
fruit, as is evidenced by the growing media attention in
support of cold fusion. Gene's generosity toward the
scientific community, his commitment to the integrity of
Science, and his dedication to creating a better world,
will be forever appreciated and celebrated.
more information, contact Christy Frazier, Office
Manager at Infinite Energy (Phone 603-485-4700), or
Steven Krivit of New Energy Times (310)
721-5919. |