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Close to Star Trek
Posted on Tuesday, December 07, 2021 @ 12:30:31 UTC by vlad

Science WGUGLINSKI writes: Warp drive pioneer and former NASA warp drive specialist Dr. Harold G “Sonny” White has reported the successful manifestation of an actual, real-world “Warp Bubble.” And, according to White, this first of its kind breakthrough by his Limitless Space Institute (LSI) team sets a new starting point for those trying to manufacture a full-sized, warp-capable spacecraft.

“To be clear, our finding is not a warp bubble analog, it is a real, albeit humble and tiny, warp bubble,” White told The Debrief, quickly dispensing with the notion that this is anything other than the creation of an actual, real-world warp bubble. “Hence the significance.”

“While conducting analysis related to a DARPA-funded project to evaluate possible structure of the energy density present in a Casimir cavity as predicted by the dynamic vacuum model,” reads the actual findings published in the peer-reviewed European Physical Journal, “a micro/nano-scale structure has been discovered that predicts negative energy density distribution that closely matches requirements for the Alcubierre metric.”




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What is wrong with the time in physics? (Score: 1)
by vlad on Sunday, December 12, 2021 @ 19:09:11 UTC
(User Info | Send a Message) http://www.zpenergy.com
Submitted by WGUGLINSKI: What is wrong with the time in physics?

Up to the 19 Century, the physicists believed that the space is filled by a medium they named “the luminiferous aether”, which meant that light was a wave moving in that medium, like waves of water move in the surface of a lake.

According to that concept of light, as a wave moving in a luminiferous aether, if one measures the speed of light in two contrary directions, one toward the Earth motion, and the other against the motion of the planet, the experiment has to achieve two different values of the light speed.

In 1887 Michelson and Morely made an experiment for detecting that influence of the Earth in the light speed, which, if detected, would be the scientific confirmation of the existence of the luminiferous aether.

The experiment did not detect any difference in the speed of light, and in order to solve the paradox Einstein proposed that, beyond the space be empty, the mathematics led him to conclude that time and space are a unique physical entity, the “space-time”.

So, after Einstein the concept of time and space have changed in physics. After that, timing became everything in physics.

Such a belief about what is time remains up to the present days, as we see for example in the article “DARPA Funded Researchers Accidentally Create the World’s First Warp Bubble”, of The Debrief portal, where Christopher Plain writes:



Warp drive, or a drive enabling space warp, is one of several ways of travelling through space found in science fiction.

Then let us analyze this way from which our understanding of what is “time” was developed thanks to Einstein.


The matter in the universe is every time changing. The water runs in the rivers going to the sea, and never goes back in contrary direction to the source. Birds hatch from eggs, and never return there. People and animals grow up, and never go back to the way they were when they were born. This evolution give us the intuition that matter has three states: past, present, and future.


The concept of time was introduced in physics with the aim to quantify the status of the matter. For instance, Galileo made several experiments, in which there is connection between space and velocity through the concept of time. Therefore, time is a parameter to measure the evolution of changes in matter, whether in the position that a body occupies in space, or to measure how an atom reacts with another to form a molecule. And before Einstein space and time were two independent parameters. Space and time were, each one, absolute independent entities. The only connection between them was through the velocity of the changes in matter.


In my book Subtle is the Math is shown that the structure of space of the universe was conceived in a way that in the behavior of such space four constants play a fundamental role: the imaginary number “i”, the neperian e= 2,718… , the fine structure constant 1/137, and the number pi= 3,1416… . If the space was conceived without the partnership of those four constants in the structure of the space, the universe would not exist, because the hydrogen atom would not be stable.

This partnership between the four constants promotes for the space some “magic” properties, being the word “magic” used here in the sense that the physicists interpret the space as a mysterious medium that escapes human comprehension. And the physicists interpret it as a magic because, as they use the math without to know some properties of the space, it seems that space violates the laws that they suppose to rule the working of the universe.


According to Einstein, if a current spaceship leaves the Earth and travels with velocity close to the speed of light, the time inside the spaceship runs slowly than in the Earth. Experiments by using atoms already have confirmed it.

However, it is not the time that runs slowly. The time does not exist. As said, the time is a parameter for the establishment of the connection between space and the changes of matter. Suppose you are at rest regarding the space (aether) of the universe. Then, if you start to move slowly, the interaction between your body and the aether is very low, and this does not affect the way the time runs. That is, regarding your body moving slowly with speed V in the aether, the time is the same for another body at rest in the aether. The time does not change.

 But if you start to move with a speed close to the light speed, the interaction between your body and the space reverberates strongly in the way the time runs. So, whereas in the clock that you are using to measure the time you see that only five minutes have passed, for a person at rest in the aether his clock will show that five years have passed.

However,  inside a spaceship with warp drive technology the time does not runs like in the current spaceships, because in the case of the space warp it is weak the interaction between the things inside the spaceship and the aether. In another words, the space warp technology prevents the interaction of the spaceship and the aether, and this is the reason it can move with speed faster than light.

Hawking interpreted it as time voyage, through a wormhole. But there is not any time voyage, as there is not any wormhole. It is only a technology that avoids the interaction between a spaceship and the aether.


All this mystery around the mysterious space was born from the wrong Einstein’s interpretation of the Michelon-Morley experiments. In my book Quantum Ring Theory was proposed two properties of the light, both illustrated in the figure 1:

1-   Property 1- light moves with Zitterbewegung (helical trajectory).

2-   Property 2- the flux of the aether crossing inside the helical trajectory is always constant.

So,  when the light coming from the air enters inside the water, as the flux of aether remains constant, then the radius of the helical trajectory diminishes with the light enters in the water (because the speed of the light inside water also diminished).

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From this property of the light it is possible to explain the Michelon-Morley experiment without to introduce the paradoxes introduced through Einstein’s theory.  Indeed, being constant the flux of aether inside the helical trajectory of the light in the Michelon-Morley experiment, any contribution of the velocity of the Earth is absorbed by the change of the radius of the helical trajectory, working together with the change of the velocity of the light.


The space has yet may mysteries, unknown by the community of physicists.

In the paper “Calculation of proton charges from the electric charges of the fermions of the quantum vacuum”, published by Physics Essays (also published in the book Subtle is the Math), it is calculated the electric charge of the fermions that compose the aether (together with gravitons, magnetons, etc). The value achieved is 5.06532 × 10^−45 C.  From this value is calculated the proton charge, achieving the value 1.6026 × 10^−19 C, which is very close to the experimental e = 1.60218 × 10^−19 C.

This successful result is not a mere coincidence. The procedure of calculation is clear, and there are not any ad hoc assumptions.

But this success also implies in a paradox: by considering the model of electric field of the proton proposed in the paper, and by considering the current laws of physics applied to the space, a paradox is introduced by the successful calculation of the proton charge: its electric charge would have to be infinite.

Nevertheless, between the space and the electric fields there is a property yet unknown in physics, as illustrated in the Figure 2.

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The electric charges of the fermions of the proton electric field actuate only in a region delimited by the Bohr’s radius. If you put an electron in a point whose distance to the proton is larger than Bohr’s radius, as shown in the Figure 2, the fermions of the proton field do not interact with the fermions of the electron field in the yellow area. The fermions of the proton field interact with the fermions of the electron field only when the fermions of the proton field enter in the region limited by the Bohr’s radius in the electron field.

In resume, it is yet very poor our knowledge about the mysteries of the space. And this is the reason why what works in physics sometimes defys logic because some of the currents principles of physics are wrong. This is the reason why sometimes some researchers arrive to absurd conclusions, as Feynman when he concluded that the electron sometimes is able to go back in the time.

by vlad on Wednesday, July 13, 2022 @ 21:48:23 UTC
(User Info | Send a Message) http://www.zpenergy.com

Analyzing the failure to detect the "neutron-dark-matter" twin two weeks ago, which according to physicists would be the only explanation for the neutron enigma, the first common sense conclusion would be this: Since the neutron puzzle can only be explained through the hypothesis of the existence of dark matter, and since the "neutron-dark-matter" was not detected, the conclusion is that dark matter does not exist, and that the explanation for the puzzle of the neutron has no connection with the supposed dark matter.

Full text: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/361945250_THE_END_OF_DARK_MATTER_IS_COMING


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