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A Million-Mile Battery
Posted on Wednesday, June 17, 2020 @ 21:58:24 UTC by vlad

Via Bloomberg.com: A Million-Mile Battery From China Could Power Your Electric Car

The Chinese behemoth that makes electric-car batteries for Tesla Inc. and Volkswagen AG developed a power pack that lasts more than a million miles -- an industry landmark and a potential boon for automakers trying to sway drivers to their EV models.

Contemporary Amperex Technology Co. Ltd. is ready to produce a battery that lasts 16 years and 2 million kilometers (1.24 million miles), Chairman Zeng Yuqun said in an interview at company headquarters in Ningde, southeastern China. Warranties on batteries currently used in electric cars cover about 150,000 miles or eight years, according to BloombergNEF.

Extending that lifespan is viewed as a key advance because the pack could be reused in a second vehicle. That would lower the expense of owning an electric vehicle, a positive for an industry that’s seeking to recover sales momentum lost to the coronavirus outbreak and the slumping oil prices that made gas guzzlers more competitive...




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Enevate's silicon-anode batteries promise ultra-fast EV charging (Score: 1)
by solaris on Wednesday, July 01, 2020 @ 15:41:13 UTC
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Battery advances are starting to come thick and fast as massive investment in the segment begins to bear fruit. California's Enevate has been chipping away at silicon anode technology since 2005, and now the company says it's managed not only to achieve an incredibly fast charging solution for lithium-ion EV batteries, but one that handily boosts energy density as well.

The typical current-gen lithium battery anode is made of graphite. Replacing it with silicon, says Enevate founder and CEO Benjamin Park, would give you an instant boost of 25% in energy density and enable super-quick charging if you could just get around the fact that it swells by 400% when it charges up, eventually cracking and degrading the battery surfaces. This kills the battery within a few hundred cycles...

Full article: https://newatlas.com/energy/enevate-silicon-anode-batteries/

New safe, fast-charging lithium battery (Score: 1)
by vlad on Wednesday, July 15, 2020 @ 13:46:43 UTC
(User Info | Send a Message) http://www.zpenergy.com
New Lithium Battery Charges Faster, Reduces Risk Of Device Explosions

Texas A&M researchers have created a technology to prevent lithium batteries from heating and failing.

Cell phone batteries often heat up, and at times can even burst into flames. In most cases, the culprit behind such incidents can be traced back to lithium batteries. Despite providing long-lasting electric currents that can keep devices powered up, lithium batteries can internally short circuit, heating up the device.

Researchers at Texas A&M University have invented a technology that can prevent lithium batteries from heating and failing. Their carbon nanotube design for the battery’s conductive plate, called the anode, enables the safe storage of a large quantity of lithium ions, thereby reducing the risk of fire. The researchers said that their new anode architecture will help lithium batteries charge faster than current ­­commercially available batteries.

“We have designed the next generation of anodes for lithium batteries that are efficient at producing large and sustained currents needed to quickly charge devices,” said Juran Noh, a material sciences graduate student in Choongho Yu’s laboratory in the J. Mike Walker ’66 Department of Mechanical Engineering. “Also, this new architecture prevents lithium from accumulating outside the anode, which over time can cause unintended contact between the contents of the battery’s two compartments, which is one of the major causes of device explosions.”

Their results are published in the March issue of the journal Nano Letters.

Tale of the tape: Sticky bits make better batteries (Score: 1)
by vlad on Thursday, July 16, 2020 @ 14:40:45 UTC
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Rice University scientists stick to their laser guns to improve lithium metal technology

HOUSTON – (July 14, 2020) – Where things get sticky happens to be where interesting science happens in a Rice University lab working to improve battery technology.

Using techniques similar to those they employed to develop laser-induced graphene, Rice chemist James Tour and his colleagues turned adhesive tape into a silicon oxide film that replaces troublesome anodes in lithium metal batteries.

For the Advanced Materials study, the researchers used an infrared laser cutter to convert the silicone-based adhesive of commercial tape into the porous silicon oxide coating, mixed with a small amount of laser-induced graphene from the tape’s polyimide backing. The protective silicon oxide layer forms directly on the current collector of the battery...

Full story: https://news.rice.edu/2020/07/14/tale-of-the-tape-sticky-bits-make-better-batteries/

Battery Breakthrough Gives Boost to Electric Flight and Long-Range Electric Cars (Score: 1)
by vlad on Wednesday, July 22, 2020 @ 19:51:40 UTC
(User Info | Send a Message) http://www.zpenergy.com
Battery Breakthrough Gives Boost to Electric Flight and Long-Range Electric Cars

New battery technology developed at Berkeley Lab could give flight to electric vertical takeoff and landing (eVTOL) aircraft and supercharge safe, long-range electric cars

In the pursuit of a rechargeable battery that can power electric vehicles (EVs) for hundreds of miles on a single charge, scientists have endeavored to replace the graphite anodes currently used in EV batteries with lithium metal anodes.

But while lithium metal extends an EV’s driving range by 30–50%, it also shortens the battery’s useful life due to lithium dendrites, tiny treelike defects that form on the lithium anode over the course of many charge and discharge cycles. What’s worse, dendrites short-circuit the cells in the battery if they make contact with the cathode.

For decades, researchers assumed that hard, solid electrolytes, such as those made from ceramics, would work best to prevent dendrites from working their way through the cell. But the problem with that approach, many found, is that it didn’t stop dendrites from forming or “nucleating” in the first place, like tiny cracks in a car windshield that eventually spread.

Now, researchers at the Department of Energy’s Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab), in collaboration with Carnegie Mellon University, have reported in the journal Nature Materials a new class of soft, solid electrolytes – made from both polymers and ceramics – that suppress dendrites in that early nucleation stage, before they can propagate and cause the battery to fail...

Full story: https://newscenter.lbl.gov/2020/07/20/battery-electric-planes-cars/

Skeleton and KIT promise graphene SuperBattery (Score: 1)
by vlad on Sunday, September 27, 2020 @ 15:30:56 UTC
(User Info | Send a Message) http://www.zpenergy.com
Skeleton and KIT promise graphene SuperBattery with 15-second charging

Estonia's Skeleton Technologies and Germany's Karlsruhe Institute of Technology have partnered up to complete development on what they're calling the SuperBattery for EVs – "a groundbreaking graphene battery with a 15-second charging time."

So what is it? Well, it appears it's a hybrid pack combining regular lithium-ion cells and Skeleton's own ultracapacitor cells, which feature a curved graphene construction, working in tandem, each part playing to its strengths...

Full story:https://newatlas.com/energy/skeleton-kit-superbattery-graphene-ultracpacitor/


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