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Current Poll Results

You have a real, working FE device; where would you go first?

to a University lab (scientists)30 %30 %30 % 30.08% (80)
to the local MP (politicians)0 %0 %0 % 0.75% (2)
the local newspaper/TV station (media)16 %16 %16 % 16.17% (43)
to Bill Gates or so (money man)13 %13 %13 % 13.91% (37)
the local Hell's Angels chapter (Machiavelli)7 %7 %7 % 7.52% (20)
to your local church (devine power)3 %3 %3 % 3.01% (8)
others (comment)28 %28 %28 % 28.57% (76)

Total Votes: 266

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Last 5 Surveys at ZPEnergy.com

 What FE tech will go commercial in 2017? (78 votes)

 What FE tech will win the FE race (0 votes)

 Release of FE techs will impact millions of jobs world-wide: (144 votes)

 The pursue of the idea of "free-energy" is: (103 votes)

 If you could support just one of them, which one would it be? (216 votes)

"You have a real, working FE device; where would you go first?" | Login/Create an Account | 12 comments
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Re: You have a real, working FE device; where would you go f (Score: 1)
by solaris on Sunday, July 09, 2006 @ 20:06:14 UTC
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If I would be able to run my table lamp, night and day continuously for a month without any outside energy source for my device, I would go to a lawyer first, to help me get a patent.

Re: You have a real, working FE device; where would you go f (Score: 1)
by malc on Friday, July 14, 2006 @ 00:18:30 UTC
(User Info | Send a Message) http://web.ukonline.co.uk/mripley

I would build working devices for family and friends first (proof it works). Then publish the results and plans on the internet (protection from government and/or big business suppression). Then find a small local engineering firm and provide the managers home and employees with a device. Then you build and sell them through the small firm.  A very large firm will notice this and swallow up the small firm for a tidy sum. Since you have already published the plans on the internet and plastered them with copyright free notices nobody can subsequently patent it and suppress it. It's simply a matter of the first to manufacture makes the most money.

If you try too hard to protect your invention the environment could have changed so much with subsequent global unrest that nobody will give a damn about your device i.e. you could be too late!

Re: You have a real, working FE device; where would you go f (Score: 1)
by Glenn on Thursday, July 20, 2006 @ 20:38:45 UTC
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I would spread the data all over the web, to anyone who would listen.  I would give it to the world.  All other routes are greed traps and will insure the death of the device by the powers that be.  I've researched patents while writing a successful application and they are a total waste of time.  Free energy and free yourself!

Re: You have a real, working FE device; where would you go f (Score: 1)
by irjsi on Tuesday, July 25, 2006 @ 08:18:43 UTC
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US Patents are of little value when the inventor lacks
resources to pursue infringements.
I agree with comments 2 & 3:
"Get the Show on the Road! ! !"
Publish (internet is obvious choice) and 'Produce in the
lowest profile possible!'
Feed your 'Ego', via the 'degree of acceptance and
functionality' of your 'FE Device(s)'. Numbers of units,
widely dispersed, should assure the establishment
of an extensive OFF Grid 'FE poliopoly'!
If you competitively produce and distribute your
FE Device, revenues and profits will grow.
Lending institutions with 'imagination' are rare,
but if you find a lending institution with an imigination,
perhaps they will finance purchases for your customers.
FE Device payments would be equivalent to their
current Energy/Utility Bills!
SEE ALSO: 'Wataire', an existing company, and imagine
energy inexpensive enough to justify extraction of
ambient Humidity as 'clean water'; storing the water
in your personal tanks, cisterns, ponds, etc.
Their is 'NO FREE LUNCH': 'Multitudes' of teachers,
technologists, mechanics, trainees, maintenance
people will be required in the production distribution,
installation, 'maintenance of FE Devices and
related construction/adaptation of FE Devices to
existing infrastructure'.
I think they are out there!

Roy Stewart,
Phoenix AZ

Re: You have a real, working FE device; where would you go f (Score: 1)
by Liberty on Tuesday, July 25, 2006 @ 13:50:41 UTC
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For those that say to "just give the invention or free energy device away" and save the world: You need to understand that the inventor that is out there working hard on a device or idea, usually can not have a job at the same time. If he/she has a job, the company usually wants to steal the invention from them, (if it becomes known that the invention is valuable) or has forced them into an invention clause that automatically signs over any invention that you make to them. And if you haven't signed that clause, the company may take legal action against you and say that you used company resources to develop the invention or used 'their' time and grab part ownership of the patent.

Therefore the inventor needs some kind of income/royalty to come from the invention so he/she can live and recover the cost of parts and time into the invention. The time invested in the invention is the inventor's job.

It would be like asking the average person to go without a paycheck and give it away to the world for the next 20 years. That is not practical or reasonable to expect that someone would do that. While it sounds impresive, not many of you could afford to do that.

Re: You have a real, working FE device; where would you go f (Score: 1)
by Excalibur on Monday, August 07, 2006 @ 21:56:22 UTC
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Find a Humanitarian Funding Company that is ready to release funding after waiting for over 25 years for the correct timing. Investigate the company to find what it really means. Note the values and missions of the company and ask your lawyer (one who is open to new ideas) to investigate. Do your due diligence and make a decision. Contact me for a personal and high level email address and you will be onto something. We must bring these projects to the people, and money seems to really be the only way. This company is ready. Ask me via private message and I will give you a contact after considering your project. The time is right. www.gesg.org

Re: You have a real, working FE device; where would you go f (Score: 1)
by tonyima on Friday, August 18, 2006 @ 07:47:53 UTC
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I would contact my friends  in the venture  capital  field, right   after  talking to my lawyer!

Re: You have a real, working FE device; where would you go f (Score: 1)
by vlad on Friday, August 18, 2006 @ 19:30:18 UTC
(User Info | Send a Message) http://www.zpenergy.com

Amazing … so far (190 votes) NOBODY would go to their local MP (politician). This is certainly fruit for thought for our politicians, and I wish one of them reads this survey and cares to comment and give us an insight on why people would rather go to the local Hell’s Angels chapter than seek understanding and support/advice from them.

Re: You have a real, working FE device; where would you go f (Score: 1)
by Breizh_Free on Sunday, August 20, 2006 @ 10:27:36 UTC
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Hello guys ,

I don't trust politics
I don't trust universities
I trust in the good side of INTERNET.

If I had a such knowledge like a Free Energy System , sure
I 'll broadcast all information I have on the WEB.

I don't want a "green carpet" on my body.


Re: You have a real, working FE device; where would you go f (Score: 1)
by kleightoanicus on Wednesday, August 23, 2006 @ 12:39:58 UTC
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I would go stright to Manitoba Hydro and tell them they're not getting any more of my money!

Re: You have a real, working FE device; where would you go f (Score: 1)
by jlf on Saturday, August 26, 2006 @ 22:04:23 UTC
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trust vs greed...how about positive high energy advanced multi dimentional beings,advanced souls sent here to speed up the evolutionary development of the human race. a consortium of minds. a link up to the next dimention. time travelers. beings from other planets... as a perliminary criteria for determining the optimium thought process/applied methologies for implimenting expotential,quantum leaps,magnatudinal advances in human knowlege and its effect on an outdated scio/eco sys.its more like smart vs stupid...its kinda sad that we even have to ask such a question. if i may humbly suggest a little physics/metaphysics combo approach.the answer will come to you. freedom,creativity,transendence. immortality/infinities seem to be right around the corner. its  multi step process.

Re: You have a real, working FE device; where would you go f (Score: 1)
by rsg on Wednesday, February 07, 2007 @ 19:48:19 UTC
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I would go to the local electric company and sell them 100KW for $60,000 per year/ per machine and also publish plans on the internet (just in case I disapeared), but from what I have seen few people would build it.


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