Emergingtec update, Pickle shows his stuff...
Date: Friday, July 30, 2004 @ 22:43:08 UTC
Topic: Devices

From Emergingtec.com @ http://www.emergingtec.com/dailyupdates/072904.htm

July 29th, 2004 –

Under the heading of sincerity

I am one who applauds what you and the group are doing, and wish you the greatest of success on this project. I believe it has the potential to greatly change the world we live in, and that's something that's both needed and rare.

No great innovation has ever been created where the creators haven't had to walk a gauntlet of naysayers, endure a maelstrom of criticism, and for a while, be amidst a firestorm of idiocy. But take, heart - these represent the lunatic fringe who have little to offer the world except negativity, and I'll wager that the most of us out here are cheering you on!

Hal Maples

Response – Thank you

----- Original Message -----
bill alexander wrote:
> > John
> > Do I have your permission to post this email to the web site
> > Thanks
> >
> > Bill
From: "john lichtenstein"
To: "bill alexander"
Sent: Thursday, July 29, 2004 10:54 AM
Subject: Re: H2 generator

No problem. Copy away. Thanks for asking.

> > ----- Original Message -----
I see from today's comments that you plan to test your device as a H2 generator before you retrofit a
car for it. That's a good idea. Retrofitting a car brings up all kinds of expenses.
> > >
Why not have the inventors test the device in their own country? Any country with an international
airport will have a university with a chemistry department that can measure how much charge is drawn off the battery and how much Hydrogen is produced.
> > >
Let them do a critic proof test over there before you go paying their airfare. And when you find that
their process costs more than 3.3 Watt hours (0.0033 kWh) per litre of H2, you will know that, no matter how good your engine and your alternator, you are never going to be able to recharge your battery with the H2.
> > >
Your friends aren't going to want to do any early testing since they wont be able to get any money
from you once you see the test results. But explain that you need critic proof tests to be able to get
investors, suppliers, and dealers here.

Response –

Thank you very much for the insights - these sound like good words of advice and sincerely meant for our protection as our investor group are business owners and not scientist ourselves (at least on this particular subject). We do have some testing already done and more coming for our own sanity checks.

Based on the number of emails with scientific questions that needed answers and just to be on the safe side we have contracted with a 3rd party to provide 3rd party test data (independent of our group) once they have some hours logged on the device and we know there are not some kinks that would invalidate the test data.

As you might expect the 3rd party testing is quite expensive and the credentials of the testing group will be critical. We are proceeding at a much slower and much more careful rate to make sure of each and every word and claim.

I have received a myriad of emails with all kinds of scientific information questions as to the pluses and minuses of our claims, some well intended and some combative. We save them all. Remember we started this as a group of investors that wanted to change the world for the better and not to self promote.

It is possible that the 9 man group could be all wet and inasmuch as we investors are not scientist (but environmentalist and business owners desiring to improve the world living conditions) that we could be led astray - but we really think it is the real McCoy and will deliver virtually as promised. As I say, time will tell, and whatever the outcome we will let everyone know in an honest and forthright manner what the final result is.

Thanks for your genuine concern and words of advice.


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