The Gravitational Amplification Process or GAP
Date: Tuesday, July 27, 2004 @ 21:25:13 UTC Topic: Science
William S. Aleck writes: Hello all,
I updated my webpage: http://intalek.com/Index/Projects/SmartPAK/SmartPAK.htm
"How to Harvest Electrical Free Energy from a Decreased Gravitational Field" is the diagram that was updated.
It is interesting to note that FREE ENERGY devices "run faster in time", so therefore, are considered to be relativistic devices!
Question, should these devices carry a government warning label because of the temporal distortion proximity issue? You may get a little older, a little sooner, living next to one of these operating devices. Careful consideration MUST be in order.
The Doctor...
William S. Alek
HOME PAGE: http://www.intalek.com/
Warren writes:
Hello Alek again and everybody. I just wish to make a simple comment here. I don't disagree with what you are saying at all. What I would like to add is I feel when you talk about decreased gravitational field you are talking about dilation. Now if you look at the scope image of an over unity device you will notice exactly what you are talking about and what I am calling dilation. Look at your image of a scalar wave from your Over Unity device.
Notice how you show a full wave (cycle) and 1/2. This shows where the voltage (not current) is added from what you call compressed time but is nothing more than dilation. When you tap the time component of a full cycle wave under dilated conditions and bring it out into present non dilated time frame you will get exactly as you show and state. This shows over unity is possible and breaks no rules or laws. The hard part is to find a way to gain current from the device and not just voltage. I am sure this can be solved but I do not have an answer at this time. Thought you might like to ponder on this point. Thank you for your time.