NEW ENERGY TIMES News Flash, July 27, 2004
Date: Tuesday, July 27, 2004 @ 20:15:57 UTC
Topic: General

The best source for news, information and general education on cold fusion.

Boston Globe: "Heating up a cold theory"

I am overjoyed to bring to your attention an excellent article in today's Boston Globe by Ms. Beth Daley.

Beth contacted me many weeks ago for background information on cold fusion, and she seemed to have an intelligent, inquisitive, respectful attitude about the whole affair. I returned her interest with my support. Through numerous communications, I pointed out various aspects of the cold fusion situation to her and directed her to several key sources.

Referring to the cold fusion scientists, her angle was, "Why are they still persevering?" and "What are the prices they have paid?". Naturally, her article only scratches the surface, but the fact that the information was portrayed honestly and responsibly gives me hope that cold fusion is on its way toward being redeemed and respected.

A story also appeared yesterday on television news with a possible lead on the Gene Mallove homicide investigation. Daley also reported this news in her related story, "Scientist's violent death shocks cold fusion research network" at

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