Suspicious of
Date: Monday, July 26, 2004 @ 21:26:14 UTC
Topic: Devices

I have invented a device that is an electronics circuit that maintains itself after the battery is removed. It has maintained 7 volts DC for six weeks straight and is maintaining the same even after daily voltage checks that rob some voltage from it.

I have contacted the better known "developers" who claim they would get new technology to market. I will not name them because they are listed on this website. They state right up front that they will not entertain taking my device because it only produces micro wattage.

This tells me that they are only interested in fully developed high power devices. OK, what would any inventor be thinking about these people?

Basically, they are probably fronts for the PTB, whether it be the Credit, Financial, or Government power.
So they can tie-up the inventor of a fully developed device in a legal "hopeful inventor" straight jacket, and just tell the partially developed device (harmless) inventor to go away, as they basically did to me.

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