Future Energy eNews - July 5, 2004
Date: Friday, July 02, 2004 @ 23:50:10 UTC
Topic: General

1) After the Oil Runs Out - Electrified cars/trucks & synthetic fuel recommended in Washington Post.
2) Chasing an Impossible Oil Dream - DOE/EIA says government incentives cannot help energy future.
3) Energy from Glucose - Tiny fuel cell for inside the body and other applications possibly.
4) 154 Nations Pledge to Increase Renewable Usage - But why does President Bush decline US support?
5) Molecular Nanodiode is a First - Can it rectify thermal or nonthermal fluctuations to provide energy?
6) New Measurement of Dark Energy - Confirms it is a constant as Einstein predicted and so probably ZPE.
7) SpaceShipOne - Demonstrates that private enterprise can fund space travel for the first time.
8) Energy Conversion Conference - IECEC to be held in August but with only conventional energy ideas.

Read the whole newsletter in our "Editorials/ Newsletters" section.

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