Article on Quark Theory
Date: Sunday, October 19, 2003 @ 00:00:19 UTC
Topic: Science

Douglass A. White writes: Dear Vlad, Thanks for posting the Electron/Proton article. Attached is another article that counterpoints with that one, providing a wider view of the particle zoo and quark theory. It also has a lot of bearing on the Positron Generator article.

I don't know if our technology is far enough along yet to build the positron generator (we have to amp the probabilities a few hundred thousand x), but the paper may stimulate some breakthrough research. In the quark paper I also mention a possibility of creating new forms of matter that would have antigravitational properties simply by virtue of their extremely low densities. The trick is that we have to figure out how to work with positrons as "naked singularities". Currently they are heavily buffered by the quarks. But if we can "network" them in space/time so that they weave a standing wave pattern with electrons without collapsing and annihilating, we can do it. I haven't figured out how to do it, but the notion is floating around. Maybe the paper will stimulate some bright minds out there to take it another step.

Working with positrons we not only can solve all our energy problems, we can also eliminate the lift-off bottleneck to the space program. The rocket equation is a real bear, so it's not the right way to go. Read carefully the electron/proton, quark, and phase wave papers. The answers to both the first bottleneck (gravitational liftoff) and the second bottleneck (FTL translation) all lurk in there.

I''ve got a couple more papers in mind. One is on quantum electro-gravity and develops new models, ideas, and viewpoints for unifying those forces and learning how to manage gravity properly. The other one is a new approach to field theory. Current field theories are hampered by their inability to generate mass without weird contortions. They also have a predilection for infinities. A good field theory should start with a Vacuum Zero Point state (yeah ZPE!!) and then generate all the forces and masses with conservation laws holding and no infinities popping up.

Trust all is well.
-- DAW

(See the article in the Downloads/New-Energy section).

Three new interesting articles submitted by C. T. Ridgely:"A macroscopic approach to creating exotic matter", "Gravitation and Forces Induced by Zero-Point Phenomena" and "On the relativistic origin of inertia and zero-point forces" were also posted in the Downloads/ZPE-relaeted section. Thank you Charles. [Vlad]

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