Article on Grand Unified Field Theory distributed to regional physics teachers.
Date: Saturday, October 18, 2003 @ 23:41:48 UTC
Topic: Science

John B. Hart writes: Friends,

Indications are that you did not receive a copy of attachment recently sent by my assistant.

This attachment was distributed as hardcopy to college and high school physics teachers who attended a regional meeting at Xavier University in Cincinnati on 10/11/03.

Reference (6) concerning the first draft of a proposed article to "Nature" establishes the only proof of priority that Anastasovski previously predicated the phenomena of "pions from deuterons." This prediction was made in a U.S. Department of Energy web site. The existence of such a phenomena was later published in Nature by experimentalists.

Myron W. Evans was under the mistaken impression that there was a previously published refereed article of such a prediction. Hence he withdraws official AIAS support as not meeting his exacting academic standards.

Thanks for your time in reading this.

John B. Hart

See attachment in the Downloads main section.

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