Rossi Patent Application
Date: Friday, January 13, 2023 @ 23:27:52 UTC

Via e-catworld.comRossi Patent Application: “Electric Energy Generator and Electric Energy Generation Method”

Thanks to Wahid Gurdien for pointing out that a patent application by Andrea Rossi to the Australian Patent office has now been opened on their website.


Here is the abstract: 

"The creation of these virtual particles is favoured by the high density of allowable energy states in vacuum, while they are hindered by the relatively low number of permitted states in an ordinary metallic conductor.

This difference may be exploited to generate a high efficiency electric energy generator and this is what this invention has been made for.

The objective is solved by An electricity generator set made by a conductive hollow enclosure, made by metals or quartz containing conductors, connected with a power source that powers an electron gun made by a tungsten-hafnium alloy, upon which is a grid, so that the electrons hit a target at the opposite side, while a magnet forces the
electrons to run in straight line toward the target, and the enclosure is grounded until its hollow is saturated, so that when it is saturated MOSFET impedes the electrons to go to ground, and a diode has to allow the electrons go to a capacitor and from the capacitor to a load."

Title of Invention 


Technical Field [0001] 

This patent derives from theories bound to the concept of space charge, vacuum polarization and virtual particles and is related to the spontaneous formation of an electron cloud around a cathode heated in a vacuum. 

Background Art [0002] 

The physics theory at the base of this invention has been published by the inventor on Researchgate in January 2019: CatSKandjlong-range-particlejinteractions 

and is realized by an entropic pump, wherein point zero energy foreseen by the uncertainty principle of Heisenberg subject to dV/dt with high dV causes increase of the Zitterbewegung of electrons and the Aharonov-Bohm effect, that causes electrons phase change, that causes formation of clusters of electrons in phase, that causes minor entropy, thermal capacity and freedom degrees, that causes transfer of energy to electrons not in phase, causing gain of energy. 


Although well known and exploited since the early years of vacuum tube technology, the space charge effect has not a well defined theory, because the formation of a stable space charge is supposed to be prevented by the Coulombian forces between electrons. But we discovered experimentally that the repulsion force can be screened by a vacuum polarization generated by the formation-annihilation of virtual charges pairs as a consequence of quantum fluctuations predicted by Heisenberg uncertainty principle.  


The lifetime of such particle-antiparticle couples is inversely proportional to their mass-energy, but during their short existence may act as the charges in the solid dielectric of a capacitor that, screening the electric field, lowers the voltage required to accumulate a charge in the capacitor plates...  


The full patent can be downloaded at the following link:

[Vlad]I would encourage you to read the comments to this post as well. Here is a sample:

Engineer48 writes: To understand how I believe the SKLep draws energy from the ZP, it may help to 1st look at the magnetocaloric effect.




Consider the upper left diagram where the magnetic domains in a ferromagnetic material have no applied H field, random/no alignment, no order, high entropy and high energy.

Next as in the upper right diagram, apply a H field to the ferromagnetic material and it's magnetic domains align, become ordered, entropy drops and most importantly energy, in the form of heat/photons is released.

Then as in the lower left diagram, the H field is removed, domains alignment returns to a random state, entropy increases and heat is absorbed.

Next consider the normal random state of virtual electron/positron pairs in a vacuum. Similar to the state of non aligned magnetic domains.



As in all random states, there is no order, entropy is high and energy is high.

Then an electron is introduced into the randomness, in the case of the SKLep probably by a cold field emission Cathode needle tip, which is similar to a H field being applied to the domains in a ferromagnetic material.

This tip, will over time, erode away. Is this what sets the SKLep's 100,000 hour life time?




The existing & new virtual electron/positron pairs are attracted to the just emitted negative electron, the vacuum becomes polarised, order increases, entropy drops and energy must be released to a less ordered nearby electron, say a less ordered free electron in a nearby metallic matrix, the Anode.

Example SSM circuit, version 4:



In this circuit, the ultra low power and low frequency / low clock rate microcomputer monitors the supercap voltage, which is also the output voltage minus the diode voltage drop. When it gets too low, caused by either the supercap having low stored energy or the output load drops the output voltage, the micro enables the high voltage power supply for a short burst of energy delivery to the super cap and DC to DC converter & then goes to sleep.

This way SSM mode is sustained even as energy is drawn from the SKLep SSM output during normal operational mode. Should also be noted that during manuf, the SKLep SSM will be tested, charging the supercap. So when the SKLep SSM leaves the factor it is trickle charging the supercap and thus needs no voltage input by the user.

It may not work like this but this is how I would design it.

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