George Egely Video: “Direct Electricity Production by LENR” (Full Version)
Date: Monday, December 05, 2022 @ 15:34:00 UTC
Topic: Devices

Via I received the following link from George Egely. It is the full-length video of the presentation he gave at the ICCF-24 conference titled “Direct Electricity Production by LENR”. This includes subtitles in English.

George demonstrates his system for generating electricity and describes it as a “plasma oscillation which generates electrical energy.”

He states that this process has a very advantageous power to weight ratio. They estimate that with development, a tube can be produced with a power-to-weight ratio of 10 kW/kg. He believes this would be suitable for electric aircraft. He estimates the manufacturing cost would be under 100 USD/kW.

The presentation can be seen at the YouTube link below.


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