Unlocking Zero-Point Energy (Garret Moddel-YouTube)
Date: Wednesday, October 06, 2021 @ 10:38:59 UTC
Topic: Science

From YourTube, Garret Model Channel: Experiments show that there is a real possibility that zero-point energy can be harvested to produce electrical power. Zero-point energy is the result of quantum fluctuations in materials and in the vacuum itself.

This video describes how the energy is harvested, the practical and scientific implications of this, and what the reaction of the scientific community has been so far.

(For some reason I can't figure out, YouTube is deleting about half the comments even though the settings are to accept all comments. Sorry!)

The work is published is the journal Symmetry:
Moddel, Garret, Ayendra Weerakkody, David Doroski, and Dylan Bartusiak. "Optical-cavity-induced current." Symmetry 13, no. 3 (2021): 517.

and in the journal Physical Review Research:
Moddel, Garret, Ayendra Weerakkody, David Doroski, and Dylan Bartusiak. "Casimir-cavity-induced conductance changes." Physical Review Research 3, no. 2 (2021): L022007.

Garret Moddel

University of Colorado at Boulder 

This article comes from ZPEnergy.com

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