Anthony Craddock writes: As we write this, the electrical power in California, the most populous State in the United States, has been shut off for a large number of consumers. Why? Because the state of the antiquated above ground power distribution system is so parlous that the anticipated high winds might cause more devastating wild fires and loss of life. The California economy ranks 5th in the world, above that of the entire U.K., and all of the world’s economies are energy dependent.
We publish two books, one by Tom Bearden, and the other by John Bedini, whose contents show the way to the tapping of the boundless power supplied by the sea of energy around us in which the earth floats. Inventors, including Bedini, have been showing us how to do this for the better part of a century.
In order to make these books more widely available, and get them into the hands of those who can make a difference..... public policy makers, concerned citizens, environmentalists, students.....we are reducing the books' prices for a limited time.
Solar power, wind power and all the other "green" alternatives are nice, but they only nibble around the edge of the problem.
If climate change is caused by fossil fuel consumption, these two books point the way to the solution.
Link: Extraction of Energy from the Vacuum TM