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ReGenX Generator for Electric Power GenerationIn electric power generation applications; the ReGenX Generator is a new generator design which operates with a Load Current Delay that reverses Generator Armature Reaction and allows the generator to deliver on-load electrical output power with less mechanical input power than was required at idle on no-load.
Over 80% of the cost of generating electricity is due to the input energy cost required to overcome Generator Armature Reaction. Environmentally over 80% of the Greenhouse Gasses and Nuclear waste produced globally are due to Generator Armature Reaction.
Because the ReGenX Generator does not require a mechanical drive shaft mechanical input power increase when it is placed on-load and when delivering electrical output power to the load the ReGenX Generator operates at infinite efficiency.
Electric Vehicle Regenerative Acceleration ReGenX Generator
In electric vehicle applications; the Electric Vehicle Regenerative Acceleration ReGenX Generator reverses the electric vehicle regenerative braking paradigm and recharges the electric vehicles batteries while accelerating the vehicle above 30 km/hr in Regenerative Acceleration Mode and it recharges the vehicles batteries and decelerates the vehicle below 30 km/hr in conventional EV regenerative braking mode.
There is no limit to the magnitude of battery recharge current which can be delivered to an EV's batteries and the more battery recharge current delivered the more the EV is accelerated.
EV plug-in recharging is reduced (and eliminated) accordingly.
Electric Vehicle Regenerative Acceleration ReGen-X Traction Motor
The ReGen-X Traction Motor outputs mechanical dive shaft power and electric power.
In Electric Vehicle Traction Motor applications the pulsed DC ReGen-X Traction Motor consumes input current and delivers mechanical output power to the driveshaft while also delivering electric vehicle battery recharge current in EV Regenerative Acceleration Mode.
The Regenerative Acceleration Motor output current exceeds the input current required to power the motor and provides EV battery recharging during EV Acceleration...
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