Could be the whole nature "Non local"?
Date: Friday, May 31, 2019 @ 20:33:09 UTC
Topic: Science

Via Study points to non-Newtonian force affecting particles' flight by Scott Schrage, University of Nebraska-Lincoln

The quotation marks had the force of tradition—and the tradition of force—behind them.

When Nebraska's Herman Batelaan and colleagues recently submitted a research paper that makes the case for the existence of a non-Newtonian, quantum force, the journal asked that they place "force" firmly within quotes. The team understood and agreed to the request.

After all, the word has long belonged to classical Newtonian physics: equal-and-opposite reactions, electromagnetism, gravity and other laws that explain the apple-dropping, head-bonking phenomena of everyday experience.

By contrast, Batelaan and his co-authors were using the word in the context of the quantum physics that describe the infinitesimally small—where the position and velocity of subatomic particles are defined by probabilities rather than precise values, where electrons simultaneously behave like both particles and waves, and where other counterintuitive fuzziness rules the realm.

That realm got even fuzzier in 1959, when a proposed experiment suggested that the mere proximity of a classical force—rather than the force itself—could impose itself on the physical world. In the experiment, two streams of electrons sail by either side of a coil whose magnetic field is totally shielded from those electrons...

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