The Tom Bearden Website
Date: Saturday, March 23, 2019 @ 19:31:52 UTC
Topic: Science

Anthony Craddock writes: Did you know that The Tom Bearden Website contains a staggering 8,823 Internet files, and takes up about 1.6 Gb of space? Complete books, articles, slide shows, video, selected correspondence, research…it's all there. The Table of Contents section alone is a treasure trove of information.

Did you know, for example, that there is a great section on not only Biogenesis and Cloning, but also a caveat about the way that it is currently being done? And let’s not forget the incredible density of energy that is all around us waiting to be harvested, an energy so dense that a cup of it could boil all the world’s oceans.

This solution to the planet’s energy issues is hidden in plain sight in the public record and in academia, but laid bare on The Tom Bearden Website.

We are moving The Tom Bearden Website onto a new Internet Server this coming weekend, and this amazing pro bono gift from Tom contains much of his life’s work, and the reasoning behind it.

Now might be a good time for you to consider purchasing a complete copy of Tom’s Website for your personal archives. Till the end of the month we are offering it on a CD or thumb-drive at a special rate of US $95, International US $115, shipping included. Order here.

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