“Scientific Breakthrough: Cold Nuclear Synthesis Became Managed"
Date: Friday, June 08, 2018 @ 16:22:30 UTC
Topic: Science

Via e-catworld.com: Russian News Report: Scientific Breakthrough: Cold Fusion at room temperature became controllable - 26 May 2018

Thanks to a Russian reader for sending information about an article published via the Regnum news agency titled “Scientific Breakthrough: Cold Nuclear Synthesis Became Managed”

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(Automatic translation)

A long-awaited scientific breakthrough has been made in Russian and world nuclear physics. For the first time, a controlled nuclear fusion reaction is realized at room temperature.

In the laboratory, it was possible to start, regulate and stop the nuclear fusion reaction in deuterated polycrystalline titanium. This became possible only after the discovery of a new type of physical wave, the existence of which was predicted by the great Soviet physicist L.D. Landau in the 1930s of the last century and received experimental confirmation of Alla Kornilova a few years ago.

The final scientific publication on the results of the cycle of experiments is presented in the May issue of the journal “Engineering Physics”.

A.A. Kornilov and, V.I. Vysotsky, Yu.A. Sapozhnikov, I.E. Vlasova, SN Gaydamak, A.A. Novakova, V.M. Avdyukhina, I.S. Levin, M.V. Vysotsky, E.I. Khayit, N.Kh. Volkova. “The problem and realization of stable generation of alpha particles by deuterated titanium in a heat wave field”.

The text of the article can be downloaded here.

Video interview with Alla Kornilova from 5 June 2018 in Russian:

At the end of the interview, Alla Kornilova says she thinks that we can expect a real commercial result, use of both large and small cold fusion reactors at the latest in 3 years. Because the vast amount of experience in the field of nuclear energy can be used, all technical problems have already been dealt with.

This article comes from ZPEnergy.com

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