Rest in peace to Art Bell, the man who made the paranormal normal
Date: Saturday, April 14, 2018 @ 16:25:49 UTC
Topic: General

From Rest in peace to Art Bell, the man who made the paranormal normal by Drew Millard

It does not seem like hyperbole to say that Art Bell was an American institution. As the host of the late-night radio show Coast to Coast A.M., he brought together millions of loners, insomniacs, and weirdos for a nightly deep dive into the fringe. He conducted interviews with self-professed experts in aliens and the Illuminati, time travelers and madmen. Every Halloween, he’d rename his show Ghost to Ghost A.M. and have listeners call in to tell “real” ghost stories. Broadcasting mostly from his compound in the High Desert of Nevada, Bell approached in the battiest conspiracy theories with an open mind and steady demeanor, good-naturedly probing his guests with his signature mix of bemusement and credulity.

Coast to Coast debuted in the late 1980s, just as talk radio began to take hold of the A.M. dial. But where Bell’s daytime counterparts stirred working-class conservative rage, Coast to Coast and its sister show Dreamland were genuine countercultural texts, explorations into the bizarre humans who share this planet with us...

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Whitley Strieber's tribute to Art:

[vlad] Many late nights I fell asleep with Art in my earbuds; indeed "if Art Bell was going to die at all, it’s only appropriate that he made his ascent to the afterlife on Friday the 13th."

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