Polarization Model of the Non-Homogeneous Physical Vacuum
Date: Tuesday, August 29, 2017 @ 18:24:00 UTC
Topic: Science

Thanks to Gary Vesperman for finding and putting this old but important file together (please note that Gary was not able to update the Table of Contents). You can find the file (Inhomogeneous Physical Vaccum.pdf) in our Downloads/ZPE_Related section as well.

The file is from the book by Vyacheslav Lukich Dyatlov (Chief Scientific Fellow, S. L. Sobolev Institute of Mathematics of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Siberian Division - Doctor of Technical Sciences) titled: Polarization Model of the Inhomogeneous Physical Vacuum, published by the Institute of Mathematics Publishing House in Novosibirsk in 1998 (184 pp, ISBN 5-86134-057-9).

Here is the abstract (published in the author’s wording) by the Science Editor:

The book sets forth and substantiates a polarization model for the inhomogeneous physical vacuum. According to the model which is developed, the physical vacuum is a heterogeneous polarization medium which is present everywhere and consists of a homogeneous – absolute – physical vacuum and two modified – matter and antimatter – physical vacuums. The local formations of a modified vacuum, which the author calls vacuum domains, float within the unbounded absolute physical vacuum medium.

The properties of the absolute physical vacuum are described by nonconjugate systems of Maxwell electrodynamics and Heaviside gravidynamic equations. The Heaviside equations are reduced to the standard form of Maxwell equations; i.e., by the introduction of two inductions, gravity and spin.

The properties of the matter and antimatter physical vacuums are also described by conjugate Maxwell and Heaviside vacuum equations. These equations are linked due to the linear dependence of electrical and magnetic inductions not only on like electric and magnetic fields but also by gravity and spin fields, as well as the dependence of gravity and spin inductions not only on like fields but also on their interactions with electrical and magnetic fields.

Matter is represented in the model by equations from the electronic theory of matter and the theory of continuum mechanics. In the analysis of the model developed, the physical properties of vacuum domains are compared to anomalous phenomena, such as ball lighting, UFOs, tornadoes, poltergeists, etc. The satisfactory coincidence of the physical properties of vacuum domains and the manifestations of the phenomena in question make it possible to confirm the viability of the model.

Science Editor: Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences G. A. Kirpichnikov.
Published in the author’s wording.
ISBN 5-86134-057-9

This article comes from ZPEnergy.com

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