From The 2 most dangerous numbers in the universe are threatening the end of physics
A deeply disturbing and controversial line of thinking has emerged within the physics community.
It's the idea that we are reaching the absolute limit of what we can understand about the world around us through science.
"The next few years may tell us whether we'll be able to continue to
increase our understanding of nature or whether maybe, for the first
time in the history of science, we could be facing questions that we
cannot answer," Harry Cliff, a particle physicist at the European
Organization for Nuclear Research — better known as CERN — said during a
recent TED talk in Geneva, Switzerland.
Equally frightening is the reason for this approaching limit, which Cliff says is because "the laws of physics forbid it."
At the core of Cliff's argument are what he calls the two most
dangerous numbers in the universe. These numbers are responsible for all
the matter, structure, and life that we witness across the cosmos...
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