2016 celebration: 100 years of Ether's return by Einstein
Date: Wednesday, January 27, 2016 @ 15:57:06 UTC
Topic: Science

To:  Tam Hunt , Author of the article The Higgs Field as the New Ether
CC:  Frank Wilczek, Nobel Prize-winning physicist at MIT

In 2005 there was worldwide several celebrations of the centenary of the Special Relativity, as we see for instance in the University of Pittsburgh: 2005: The Centenary of Einstein's Annus Mirabilis of 1905


In 2015 the centenary of the General Relativity was celebrated in the most important universities worldwide: GR100 Events around the World


But 2016 is the year of the centenary of another very important event for the Theoretical Physics.  Because in 1916 Einstein has realized that his General Relativity is incompatible with the empty space, and so he has started to look for a new sort o Aether.

Nevertheless,  now in 2016 we don’t see any celebration at any university for the centenary of the Einstein’s attempts trying to bring back the Aether, and the reason is obvious: in 2005 and in 2015 the scientific community has celebrated two Einstein’s theoretical successes.  However his attempt trying to bring back the aether in 1916 was a failure, because the scientific community did not accept his New Aether.  And nobody celebrates a failure.

However in spite of the centerary will not be celebrated in 2016, of course the bicentenary will be celebrated in 2116 in all the universities worldwide, because the return of the Aether is unavoidable, since it is growing the number of physicists who are realizing that the adoption of the concept of empty space is the biggest error occurred in the History of Physics.

Along the 20th Century, some physicists have tried to call the attention of the scientific community for the need of the Aether return to Physics.  Among them we may mention Dr. Ludwik Kostro, in  spite of his words did not have reverberation in the ears of the scientific community:

Chap. 3 - Einstein introduces his new concept of the ether (1916-1924)


Walter Isaacson also describes in the book “Einstein: His Life and Universe” how Einstein changed his in 1916:


In his 2008 book “The Lightness of Being: Mass, Ether and the Unification of Forces, Frank Wilczek argues from many lines of evidence that there is in fact an ether that undergirds space, which he calls alternately the ether, the Grid or the “cosmic superconductor.” He writes in his book:

No presently known form of matter has the right properties [to play the role of the ether]. So we don’t really know what this new material ether is. We know its name: the Higgs condensate [or Higgs field], after Peter Higgs, a Scots physicist who pioneered some of these ideas. The simplest possibility … is that it’s made from one new particle, the so-called Higgs particle. But the [ether] could be a mixture of several materials. … [T]here are good reasons to suspect that a whole new world of particles is ripe for discovery, and that several of them chip in to the cosmic superconductor, a.k.a the Higgs condensate.”



In 2011 the journal Nature has published the paper Moving mirrors make light from nothing, the stronger experimental evidence corroborating the existence of the Aether:



In  2013 the European Physical Journal D has published the paper The quantum vacuum as the origin of the speed of light , where is proposed that the space is filled by particles and antiparticles  (as proposed in the book Quantum Ring Theory, published in 2006, in spite of in that book the Aether is composed by “several” different particles and antiparticles):


But nowadays the most important contribution for the return of the Aether is a collection of papers published by Dr. Claudio Nassif.

When Dr. Nassif has started to write his first paper, I told him never to mention the word “Aether” in his papers, otherwise his papers would be rejected by all the reputable peer review journals. He followed my advise, and it seems the referees who have analyzed his papers did not realize that (in spite of the Aether is not mentioned in the paper) in his theory the space is filled by a “substance”.

Ahead are the Nassif’s papers:

1- Deformed special relativity with an invariant minimum speed and its cosmological implications

Pramana , July 2008, Volume 71, Issue 1, pp 1-13



International Journal of Modern Physics D, Volume 19, Issue 05, May 2010


3- Variation of the speed of light with temperature of the expanding universe http://journals.aps.org/prd/abstract/10.1103/PhysRevD.86.027703
Phys. Rev. D 86, 027703 – Published 20 July 2012




International Journal of Modern Physics D,  Volume 21, Issue 02, February 2012


5- An explanation for the tiny value of the cosmological constant and the low vacuum energy density


General Relativity and Gravitation,  September 2015, 47:107


Of course the return of the Aether will occur slowly, because in the field of Science the changing of a paradigm  always happens with the steps of a lazy turtle, since the resistance against new ideas is very strong. 

Even some physicists sympathizers with the concept of Aether use to reject it when it is proposed in peer review journals. For instance, the journal Annals of Physics published by MIT, where Frank Wilczek is the editor-in-chief, has recently rejected the last Nassif’s paper Electrodynamics of moving particles in gravitational elds with Lorentz violation, in spite of the own Wilczek has written a book where he mentions the need of the Aether return to Theoretical Physics. The Aether is a taboo in Physics, and it seems the community of physicist is ashamed of admiting its return, because the adoption of the empty space is perhaps the greatest error of the times, and it is always hard for the physicists to admit errors, which tarnish the reputation of the physicists.
Wladimir Guglinski

This article comes from ZPEnergy.com

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