An Expensive Scientific Blunder?
Date: Tuesday, June 03, 2014 @ 00:56:25 UTC
Topic: Science

Is the Ongoing Test at Cern on the Gravity of Antimatter via the Alleged "Anti-Hydrogen Atoms" an Expensive Scientific Blunder? /New York, N..y., (PRWEB) June 01, 2014

Pamela Fleming, spokesperson of The Institute for Basic Research, Palm Harbor, Florida, has released an open letter to the Directors of Cern laboratories in Geneva, Switzerland, containing unchallenged technical arguments showing that their ongoing test of the gravity of antimatter via alleged "anti-Hydrogen atoms" may be basically flawed, and requesting due scientific process on alternative more resolutory tests (

Prof. R. M. Santilli, a leading scientist on antimatter, has released the following outline of the unresolved insufficiencies of the ongoing gravity test at Cern:

"All studies in antimatter during the past century have been adapted to achieve compatibility with Einstein theories. However, these theories were conceived decades prior to the discovery of antiparticles; they have no means for the conjugation of neutral matter (such as an asteroid) into antimatter and, consequently, all current views on antimatter are personal opinions of their authors, rather than established science....

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