LHC, matter, antimatter, photon, neutrino, and Quantum Ring Theory
Date: Wednesday, September 28, 2011 @ 21:34:39 UTC
Topic: Science

In september-2011 a team of European scientists has reportedly clocked a flock of subatomic particles called neutrinos moving at just a shade over the speed of light. According to Albert Einstein’s special theory of relativity, that can’t be, since light, which cruises along at about 186,000 miles per second (299,000 km/sec.), is the only thing that can go that fast.

The question is: is Einstein’s theory wrong ?

And the answer is: his theory is incomplete. Let’s see why.

According to QRT, the photon is constituted by a particle and an antiparticle which move in contrary directions with helical trajectory. Because they move in contrary directions, a strong electromagnetic field is created, and it is responsible for the interaction of the photon with matter (the photon interacts with the electric and magnetic fields of matter).

In the page 203 of QRT is proposed the structure of the neutrino: it is formed by positron-electron moving in helical trajectory. The electron gyrates about the positron, and they both gyrate about the line center of the helical trajectory (like the moon gyrate about the earth, and they both gyrate about the sun; as the sun moves in the space, the moon-earth have a helical trajectory in the space).

The electron is tied to the positron through the spin-fusion phenomenon, and so the electron loses its spin (the electron becomes a boson). That’s why the neutrino has spin ½.

In the antineutrino, the positron gyrates about the electron.

As the electron is very close to the positron, their total electric charge is null. And so the neutrino has not any electromagnetic field. That’s why the neutrino does not interact with the matter, because it has no charge, and it has no field.

Therefore the neutrino is not matter, in the sense we know what matter is. Matter is any particle with electric charge and electric and magnetic fields. Matter interacts with matter because of its charge and fields.
So, the neutrino is actually an exotic particle, which does not obey to the rules of matter.

When Einstein developed his Theory of Relativity, he did not have knowledge on the existence of antimatter. He developed his theory from two points of departure: the properties of light and the properties of matter, and so the postulates of relativity are valid for light and matter.

The light has its limit of speed in space thanks to the interaction of the photon (and its helical trajectory) with the aether that fills the space. The matter cannot get the speed of light because its mass increases with the growth of the speed, because of the interaction matter-aether. If a particle of matter would get the speed of light, its mass would become infinite.
But the neutrino does not obey to such rules. As the neutrino is not matter (in the sense we konw the properties of matter), then it is not submitted to the laws of relativity proposed by Einstein.

The speed of a neutrino depends on the condiction in which it was created. Nowadays the Large Hadron Collider is working with half of its capacity, and the neutrinos produced have their speed slightly above the speed of light. When the LHC will start to work with its full capacity, the neutrinos created in the collisions will have a little increase in their speed.

There is need a New Physics. It must be developed from a new point of departure: by considering matter, antimatter, and light. The models and fundamental laws of this New Physics are proposed in my book Quantum Ring Theory.

This article comes from ZPEnergy.com

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