A paper about electro-scalair waves, published May 2010
Date: Tuesday, August 23, 2011 @ 23:57:33 UTC
Topic: Science

In may 2010 the following paper was published
http://arxiv.org/PS_cache/arxiv/pdf/1005/1005.3130v1.pdf about longitudinal electro-scalar radiation.

In this work, a non-relativistic theory of the electroscalar field being an expansion of the classical Maxwell’s electrodynamics is presented. Expansion of the classical electrodynamics is based on the hypothesis about an existing new 4-scalar potential complementary to the 4-vector electrodynamic potential. 4-scalar potential, from the viewpoint of the quantum field concept, describes massless scalar particles with a zero spin whose superposition realizes the Coulomb field. In a nonrelativistic approximation this hypothesis leads to the theory in which along with the electric and magnetic fields there arises a new scalar field that can propagate jointly with the electric field in vacuum in the form of a longitudinal electroscalar wave and, thus, transport of the Coulomb field is carried out. Indicative of the arising complementary scalar field is the analogy between the linear theory of elasticity and Maxwell electrodynamics considered in this work.

From this analogy it follows that full agreement between the Lame equations and Maxwell equations is reached under the condition of incompressibility of the elastic continuum, while describing the compressible continuum necessitates introduction of a new scalar field. Since the 4-vector electrodynamic and new 4-scalar potentials do not form a single geometric object in the Minkowski space-time, in a nonrelativistic approximation the electromagnetic and electroscalar fields appear to be independent and do not interfere. In the paper, the problem of interaction of the introduced scalar field with charges and currents is also considered and electrodynamics based on the Fock and Podolsky Lagrangian is briefly discussed.

Now that also other authors picked up the idea of a classical (non-Higgs, non-Goldstone-Nambu) longitudinal electro-scalar field,  it becomes more urgent to do experiments that prove the existence of this field. This also means that Tesla's longitudinal 'aether sound waves'  finally makes it debute in the science of physics.

The authors of the mentioned paper found a way to circumvent a weakness in my own theory (my theory is similar to the theory presented here) by applying the Coulomb gauge,  but they also made a few errors: their Lagrangean function is incorrect and needs to be corrected.

I am pleased that the idea of a classical scalar field (not the "quantum" scalar fields such as the Higgs field, etc ...) and longitudinal electro-scalar waves  is catching on, finally. By improving this theory in the course of time, all objections against it can be eliminated, then the necessary experiments should be carried out what's true/false about it.

These electro-scalar wave theories are so much better than everything Tom Bearden or other Tesla-expert wannabes (such as Konstantin Meyl) have ever published thus far.  Physicists have little or no reasons to reject these electro-scalar field theories for theoretical reasons.  Now only experiments can decide who is right or wrong, and then we are back on the Tesla trail.

This article comes from ZPEnergy.com

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