Open Science Summit 2011
Date: Friday, August 12, 2011 @ 22:44:38 UTC
Topic: Science

Via After the great success of OSS in 2010, it is back to help to gather and broadcast voices from all around to discuss the ways that science is changing these days, how to improve access to research results and how regular citizens can use these results to learn more about themselves, their environment and act if needed. The Internet and the engagement that it has made possible is changing the way we do science, is giving us new possibilities to become more than passive users, but also creating questions about the way that access to research is restricted, and what are the changes needed so the public can use and learn freely what they are already paying for.

Join us at the OSS 2011, to find ways to make the research and discovery process even moire open and transparent to the citizens, and also receptive to their input. - Full Article Source

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