Xtreme Science Foundation (XSF) - an Institution whose time has come
Date: Thursday, January 01, 2009 @ 22:20:00 UTC Topic: General
Here we are at the beginning of 2009, year that will certainly prove very challenging for all of us, wherever we are. Such a global economic crisis doesn't only hurt people where it seems to matter the most - their pockets - but it also provides some time for reflection, and creates an opportunity to re-examine the adequacy of many fundamental principles our society has been guided by in its chosen developmental model.
We may finally understand that money IS NOT everything, and that Earth provides enough to satisfy everybody's needs, but not everybody's greed. We may hopefully understand what Gandhi said about "The Roots of Violence: Wealth without work, Pleasure without conscience, Knowledge without character, Commerce without morality, Science without humanity, Worship without sacrifice, Politics without principles.” And we should have understood by now that, in this WWW age, people are powerful, if they're not "asleep".
From the feedback I got, I know many have realized the urgent need and potential huge benefit of an organization such as the proposed Xtreme Science Foundation (XSF), not just for ushering a revolution in the energy research, but in general, for stimulating and recognizing any viable "out of the box" thinking that can help our society develop much faster and efficiently resolve many of the major problems our human race is facing right now. This is the most important thing that must/can/should be done to really change this world for better, at the same pace as brilliant ideas occur in the human mind.
We need an new real "institution"specifically designed to encourage & support scientists and experimenters to think & go beyond "innovation" (evolutionary improvements to existing technologies/procedures) into breakthrough "inventions" (revolutionary, quantum leap advances in science and technology). This is what my proposed XSF is all about: ... actively searching and promoting the "Cinderella-s" of alt-sci/tech, those beautiful but ignored real, already existing products of human imagination and ingenuity that can change our future almost like magic (it happened before and will happen again, and the XSF can ensure it is not too late!).
Well qualified and open minded people are essential for such an organization to get credibility. I got many words of encouragement but what XSF needs is people who want to actually do something concrete to get it off the ground. I said from the beginning that I would help as much as my time and skills permit, but I can not be the one to lead this effort in the end. It won't be an easy start-up and only an experienced and dedicated person, who understands the importance of what we want to do, can pull this through. If you know such a person, point him/her to ZPEnergy.com to read about the XSF concept (the previous Executive Summary post and the next two posts and their comments).
If you feel capable to take on any one of the XSF management positions: General Manager (GM), Director Technology Assessment (DTA), Director Finance and Legal (DFL) or Director Media Relations/Web site (DMR), please contact me (use feedback) or, if you prefer, write about it in a comment below. A professional web designer for the new XtremeScienceFoundation.org site is what is urgently needed. Please remember, I envisioned this foundation to start with exotic energy technologies but quickly expand its sections to other frontier science research (also struggling outside of the mainstream-science recognition and funding), where the same simple principle to establish the truth can be applied: proper scientific validation. Keep that in mind for the GM position.
I welcome any suggestions on how we can join forces to make this work, and turn the XSF into, possible, the greatest accelerator for the human progress from this day on.
I wish to all of us in the new year the serenity to accept those things we cannot change, the courage to change the things we can, and wisdom to know the difference.
Happy New Year!
Vlad ______________ ZPEnergy.com Owner/Moderator