IEA World Energy Outlook
Date: Sunday, November 16, 2008 @ 12:46:12 UTC
Topic: General

The International Energy Agency has made a new comprehensive forecast of world energy from now until 2030.  The conclusions are:

Current energy trends are patently unsustainable —socially, environmentally, economically
- Oil will remain the leading energy source but...

> The era of cheap oil is over, although price volatility will remain
> Oilfield decline is the key determinant of investment needs
> The oil market is undergoing major and lasting structural change, with national companies in the ascendancy

- To avoid "abrupt and irreversible" climate change we need a major decarbonisation of the world’s energy system

> Copenhagen must deliver a credible post‐2012 climate regime
> Limiting temperature rise to 2°C will require significant emission reductions in all regions & technological breakthroughs
> Mitigating climate change will substantially improve energy security
- The present economic worries do not excuse back‐tracking or delays in taking action to address energy challenges

Read full article here:

Yes, that may be true for an "Evolutionary" technology development scenario. A "Revolution" in the energy science can change all that. Read the two posts below to see what I mean and what we need to do Now.

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