Carbon Capture: Miracle Cure for Global Warming, or Deadly Liability?
Date: Saturday, November 24, 2007 @ 21:08:01 UTC Topic: Science
By Megan Tady, AlterNet. Posted November 24, 2007.
A new technology to capture carbon from power plants and store it underground has been dubbed a miracle cure for global warming. But critics think it puts us in more danger.
Technology to siphon off carbon dioxide from power plants and insert it
into rock formations has the government, industry and many leading
environmental groups wiping their brows and sighing, "phew." They say
"carbon capture and storage" could be one of the central keys to
unlocking how the world beats back climate change.
But for a growing list of critics, injecting carbon dioxide into the
earth is as risky as sticking a Botox needle into a brow -- who really
knows what's going on under the skin? And because this climate cure
comes with no prescription to radically change the world's energy diet,
skeptics say carbon capture and storage (CCS) is a diversion and a
false solution.
More: http://www.alternet.org/environment/68490/