PSU to study Kanzius invention
Date: Saturday, November 24, 2007 @ 13:36:13 UTC Topic: Devices
Researchers aim to use device to burn saltwater
Another team of researchers at yet another major university will work full time on John Kanzius' external radio-wave generator.
reached a joint working agreement Tuesday with Pennsylvania State
University to develop uses for the device based on its ability to burn
"I think this device will yield a gold mine of
scientific material," said Rustum Roy, Ph.D., director and founder of
Penn State's Materials Research Laboratory and worldwide expert on the
structure of water. "In science, we want to see something really new.
This is most unexpected -- to everybody, to every scientist." ...
Full article: http://www.goerie.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20071121/NEWS02/711210389