If You Love Renewable Energy, It's Time to Freak Out
Date: Monday, November 12, 2007 @ 19:51:27 UTC Topic: Legal
Pelosi and Reid are just about to do the stupidest thing imaginable:
pull the rug out from underneath the blossoming renewable energy
economy at the time when we need it most...
As Adam Browning of Vote
Solar put it "Thursday morning, Senator Reid and Speaker Pelosi decided
to drop the renewable energy standard out of the energy bill and drop
the tax title. No tax title means no extension of the investment tax
credit for solar, and no extention of the production tax credit for
wind. Let's see...nothing for solar, plus nothing for wind, hmmm, add
no renewable energy standard, carry the zero...yep, that adds up to
precisely nothing for renewable energy.
Got that? Congressional
leadership is moving an energy bill with nothing in it for renewable
energy. Dropping the biggest pro-solar provision this country has ever
seen, just when the industry is gaining momentum and making an impact." ...
Full article: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/toby-barlow/news-alert-if-you-love-r_b_71888.html
Via http://www.keelynet.com/#whatsnew