EcoWatts "free energy" device rebuffed, BBC falls for it
Date: Sunday, November 11, 2007 @ 12:16:58 UTC Topic: Devices
EcoWatts and its fake free energy gadget
is back in the limelight again, with the BBC Breakfast Show falling
hook, line, and sinker in an interview with the company's "CEO" Paul
Calver. Calver stated that "we're still getting to the question of why
it works," explaining to a BBC presenter his bewilderment at his very
own creation. The response from the interviewer? "The point is it
Unfortunately, the point is that it almost certainly doesn't. Ben Goldacre used his excellent Bad Science Guardian column this week
to dig up some dirt on the dodgy company, and managed to find a
scientist who gave his stamp of approval to a similar free energy
gadget four years back:
"Using the apparatus provided, it's true, this
scientist could get incredible results: the meters would read zero, and
yet water would boil in around five minutes. Because the meters
provided weren't working." The company that provided this former gadget
along with the "broken" meters? EcoWatts.
Source: http://www.engadget.com