Apollo's Fire article on MPI
Date: Monday, August 27, 2007 @ 22:13:59 UTC

Apollo's Fire - Igniting America's Clean Energy Economy

Magnetic Power, Inc. (MPI)

MPI’s mission is to supply the world with clean, abundant, and inexpensive electricity.

The company is developing technology it calls GENIE™ (Generating Electricity by Nondestructive Interference of Energy). Based upon proprietary breakthrough discoveries in MPI’s labs, GENIE generators are being designed that operate continuously, without fuel, extracting electricity by converting an energy source that exists everywhere in the universe. The process will create no pollution. The cost of electricity is estimated to be significantly less than any competing form of power generation today or in the foreseeable future.

GENIE generators will be scaled to a wide range of applications. They appear suitable for the relatively small power needs of consumer devices up through the massive needs of power generation plants. Advanced prototypes are currently being built in MPI laboratories. A proof-of-concept of one design was evaluated by Lee Felsenstein, EE. He felt it was analogous to the early work on the transistor, which eventually led to a Nobel Prize and the creation of Silicon Valley. The first in a series of patent applications was published in July, 2006. By the close of 2007, this newly invented design could yield a 1 kW self-sustaining generator perhaps 5”x5”x16” in size. In late 2008, a plug-in hybrid car may become a prototype powered by VPF for local driving.

MPI’s proprietary technology is powered by utilizing the interaction of magnetic fields. This concept has long fascinated inventors. Nobel physicist Werner Heisenberg is quoted as stating: “We could utilize magnetism as an energy source”. The first successful example was built by Wesley Gary in 1874 and shown to Harvard and MIT professors. Hans Coler, a German inventor supported by Hitler’s navy, demonstrated a working 6 Kilowatt, solid-state, magnetic "space energy receiver” in 1937. His work was destroyed by an Allied bomb during WWII. At the time, there was no comprehension as to the source of the energy. Coler wrote: “These fundamental researches…have made the first real and large breach in the citadel of present scientific belief.”

James Hansen at NASA Goddard speaks for many scientists when he states we must dramatically reduce the use of fossil fuels in less than a decade to avoid major catastrophes. The Summary Report released by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change led to the conclusion that drastic shifts are happening much more rapidly than earlier predicted. Scientists now state that by the year 2050, one billion Asians will lack water and up to six hundred million people will suffer climate induced hunger. Malaria, Dengue Fever and other diseases "will run rampant." But as the world’s average temperature warms from 1990 levels, the projections get more dire. Add 1(degree) C and between 400 million and 1.7 billion extra people can’t get enough water, some infectious diseases and allergenic pollens rise, and some amphibians go extinct. That’s the likely outcome around 2020, according to the Report.

Even worse, life on earth is threatened with extinction by a little known lurking disaster – the release of huge quantities of methane trapped in the Arctic tundra. Twice before, 55 million and 251 million years ago, naturally occurring methane “burps”, possibly resulting from volcanic eruptions, almost wiped out life on our planet. If humanity continues to emit carbon as a result of the burning of fossil fuels, we are in serious danger of triggering this irreversible event by the middle of the current century. Geologist John Atcheson has pointed out that a temperature rise of 11 degrees Fahrenheit, substantially less than the upper figure predicted by computer models from the burning of fossil fuels, could launch this runaway effect. Recent data suggests this could occur by 2050. However, the reality is likely even worse, as the arctic regions are showing the greatest temperature increases from greenhouse gas emissions. Burning fossil fuels each year spews into the atmosphere the equivalent of almost 17,000 volcanoes the size of the presently active one in Hawaii. This catastrophic time bomb is more likely to explode with every passing year. It is even more of a problem than water shortages, widespread hunger and disease, melting arctic ice, the predicted flooding of major cities such as New York, London, Tokyo, Miami, and Singapore, and the increase in destructive hurricanes.

The urgent need is an emergency changeover, within a decade, to widespread use of new sources of energy that eliminate the need for fossil fuels. That goal is now in sight. Several firms, including Magnetic Power Inc., are pioneering revolutionary, inexpensive, renewable, energy conversion technology that can yield cost-effective, mass-produced, alternatives in the immediate future. We applaud every effort to reduce greenhouse gases. Nothing short of revolutionary new technology can act fast enough to save millions of lives.

All over the globe, small firms are emerging claiming fuel-free magnetic energy conversion systems. Our own work includes generators both with and without moving parts. Firms in Ireland, Germany, Australia, Hungary, Japan, the UK, Turkey, and elsewhere have surfaced with claims of rotating devices. Scientists, understandably skeptical, since the energy source is only now emerging in practical devices, will probably not believe they are real until one sits on a desk in front of them and produces electricity, without hidden batteries. We are developing such Demonstration Devices. Toys will follow. Young people with open minds will probably teach their parents how they function.

When Japan attacked Pearl Harbor, Hitler immediately declared War on the U.S. He asked his associates: “What can the USA do to Germany?” Within 36 months bombers were rolling out of American factories and 2,000 would appear over Nazi targets in a single day. That was what Americans accomplished the last time we faced a major emergency.

GENIE generators can be made in most of the world’s electronics factories. Household units will be inexpensive and produce power 24/7. Larger units can replace automobile engines and allow future cars to become power plants, when parked. All that is needed is the will to make it happen.

Our website is: www.magneticpowerinc.com

This article comes from ZPEnergy.com

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