A Conversation with an Energy Heretic
Date: Saturday, August 25, 2007 @ 13:16:22 UTC
Topic: Testimonials

By Bill Moore (EVWorld)

Meet Dr. Tom Valone, the president of the Integrity Research Institute in part one of this two-part series about 'emerging energy.'

PHOTO CAPTION: Thomas Valone, PhD looks normal enough, but ask him about the Casimir effect or the electrokinetic force known as the Biefeld-Brown effect and he suddenly becomes as much a heretic to conventional science as Martin Luther was to catholicism.

Open Access Article Originally Published: August 15, 2007

Tom Valone works for the United States Patent and Trademark Office in Washington, D.C. At least he did when I interviewed him two weeks ago. By the time you read this, he may have been dismissed... again.

You see, Dr. Valone has already been fired once before, some six years ago, because of his interest in what he calls "emerging energy." Like his interest in what current science and educational orthodoxy regards as fringe, even his educational background has an unorthodox skew to it. While he holds a Master in Physics from State University of New York at Buffalo, his PhD in general engineering came through what was then called Kennedy-Western University, now known as Warren National University, a largely private, on-line institution licensed in the State of Wyoming. [See his bio in the PESWiki directory].

But for Valone, there is something irresistible about science at the fringe. He helped co-found the New Energy Congress and is a consulting fellow to the World Innovation Foundation, as well as the president of the Integrity Research Institute, whose mission is to investigate the validity of selected non-conventional energy devices, including those in the bio-energy field of medicine.

Apparently, one can't espouse an interest in the unorthodox and work within the establishment, which Valone personally experienced when he was invited to a conference hosted by the U.S. State Department. The event was quickly killed by a certain Dr. Zimmerman who viewed himself as a watchdog of science. Similar attempts to hold the conference at other government agencies met with rejections and within six months, Valone was out the door.

Undeterred, he and his supporters re-organized the Integrity Institute into a non-profit and have pursued their quest, while Valone sought redress on his dismissal. Now back at the PTO for two years, he is again facing censure for his pursuits.

Because of the length of our conversation -- some 55-minutes -- we have broken it up into two parts, the first about 25-minutes long, the second 30-minutes. You can listen to Part One using either of the two MP3 players at the top of the page or by downloading the file to your computer hard drive for transfer and playback on your favorite MP3 device.

EV World offers this type of interview to help keep the doors of scientific inquiry from rusting shut by the oxidation of orthodoxy. And it's just plain fun to speculate that we still have so much to learn as a society.

For readers interesting in learning more about emerging energy, we recommend you watch the YouTube video below of Dr. Valone's 2004 address. It will give you a better feel for the concepts and issues involved.

Interview source: http://www.evworld.com/article.cfm?storyid=1305

This article comes from ZPEnergy.com

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