Dr. Jack Sarfatti on Coast to Coast Talk Radio
Date: Wednesday, August 22, 2007 @ 21:37:04 UTC
Topic: General

Doc Savage writes: Jack Sarfatti on Coast to Coast Talk Radio Aug 26, 2007 10:30PM Pacific Time/ Clear Channel Radio Network.

Colin Bennet writes: Hi Jack, Congratulations - thumbs up here from the UK! This is the breathrough, plus the STAIF paper - down with the Victorian Station Masters and Railing Painters who have tried to put you down! Now thrive the armourers! Colin

Jack Sarfatti writes: Colin, check C2C webpage, there is a free way for you to call in from UK - also to others in Europe, even Russia? - it will be I think 7AM Monday morning UK time - it's 10:30PM Pacific Coast time. I am supposed to be on for 30 minutes (my initial request as it's late), but I told George I would stay longer if they like and there are a lot of phone calls in.

Colin, if you are the Michael Savage of the Internet, I must be the Michael Savage of the Physics World that you describe here ;-)

>> Very little criticism is extant concerning the social-psychology of
>> scientists and science. The majority of them are earnest meritocrats
>> from the lower middle-class

COLIN BENNET, Oxford educated military historian, playwright ... wrote from London:

>> Hi Bob,
>> Yes I know I am known as Mr. Nasty. Larry Dicken, Jerry Pippin’s
>> Director called me “the Michael Savage of the internet.” In this case
>> I took a pop at these scientists who stroll around the world as if
>> they bloody well own it. Science is a culture. It is a particular way
>> of looking at things. It has to take its place alongside other kinds
>> of perception, such as Literature and the Arts which have the moral
>> view of “reality” (the scientist’s favourite word). ...
>> For the most part they are emotionally undeveloped, rather like
>> well-scrubbed school boys who are desperate to please mum and dad.

Alas Colin, I know them well.

>> Unlike the genius Sarfatti few are risk-takers yet they are always
>> described as brilliant! Well – the majority of them are not. 99% are
>> time-serving corporate conformists who hate people like Sarfatti
>> because he dares to put his way-out ass on the line! His mission is
>> much the same as mine ...

This article comes from ZPEnergy.com

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