Future Energy eNews - IRI/ Aug. 21, 2007
Date: Tuesday, August 21, 2007 @ 21:49:56 UTC
Topic: General

1) Gore Promotes Green Technologies - Only 30 gigatons of CO2 are in the way
2) Scientists Offered Cash to Dispute Climate Study - by ExxonMobil and American Enterprise Inst
3) Toyota Unveils Plug-In Hybrid - No more gas station visits if they will sell them
4) Conolezza Rice to Host Energy Conference - Quite a turn-about for the Administration
5) Gasoline from Bacteria - More environmentally friendly than drilling
6) Printable Solar Panels - Let your computer create them!
7) Levitation From Reverse Casimir Force - Already documented in ZPE book by Valone

Provided as a public service from www.IntegrityResearchInstitute.org which also offers a FREE Future Energy 30-minute DVD from our last Conference on Future Energy upon request.

This article comes from ZPEnergy.com

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