If Spacetime appears 'curved,' then what does it 'curve around�
Date: Thursday, August 16, 2007 @ 07:21:01 UTC
Topic: Science

Within the pages of A Dog Ear'd Cosmos – a Socratic dialogue recently released by Lulu Independent Press – an "imagined" discussion with a lost canine companion unfolds. The book posits a connection exists between Zero-Point Energy, "the multi-dimensional volume" enclosed by curved space-time, and a concept developed by Sigmund Freud, Carl Jung, and Georg Groddeck before them: "the Collective Unconscious."

In the world of physics, quantum-particle interactions have been thought, since Fenyman's work, to somehow be "a-causal" - as the Fenyman diagrams describing them appear to hold validity regardless of a diagrams' "orientation" with respect to space-time coordinates. Likening these interactions to undulations in the surface of an ocean of repressed awareness, Dog Ear'd Cosmos asks a pertinent question: if space-time appears "curved," then what does it curve around or enclose? Could "what lies beneath" the perceived surface of our Universe correlate with a "Collective Unconscious?"

Modeling our experiences as being like swirling iridescent patterns in the surface of a "Cosmic soap-bubble," the dialogue probes the logical extensions of such a model, with the world-views of advanced physics and cosmology melding (with slight alterations) into insights from psychoanalytical explorations like a well-crafted dove-tail joint. What with human awareness typically confined to "the turbulent surface" of the Cosmos, no wonder we often feel cramped for psychic space and wind up embroiled in battles over personal territory, both physical and psychic.

Within this nascent model, the undulations of a sub-phenomenal ocean of repressed, yet still living awareness appear in consciousness as platonic "shadow-plays" (whose cast of characters include quantum-particle interactions, macro-scale objects and perhaps even feelings and thoughts). Perhaps not too surprisingly, such a model has been inspired by attempts to reconcile the authors’ explorations in the physical sciences and mathematics with teachings of mystical traditions, East and West.

In process of dialogue, the participants compare both space-time and "what-lies beneath" to a "spiritual cramp in the Mind of God." Highly-platonic in orientation, the discussion presents a Zero-point Energy related rationale for the differentiation of objects and experience in our Universe, a differentiation that has puzzled physicists and cosmologists... One dialog participant effectively asks: How could differentiated structures have emerged in a Universe operating under consistent physical laws, from the seed of a symmetrical "Singulaity Explosion" like the Big Bang? What could account for the breaking of symmetry?

Proposed Answer: A Zero-point related "disappearance" (or reabsorption) of subtle forms of energy, facilitated - of all things, by the authentic forgiveness lessons learned by consciousness itself. Apparently, the discussion participants have willingness to question the Laws of Thermodynamics and Conservation of Energy on behalf of Life, picking up a thread started by physicist David Bohm’s explorations of "the implicate order."

Strangely, the Christian concept of forgiveness appears in revamped form such as to emphasize a growing sense of gratitude, responsibility for experience, as well as a playful sense of humor. Highly speculative, this work does not appear in science's genre proper and might be rejected out of hand by the scientific community at large... nevertheless the book does a fairly good job of asking questions geared toward recontextualizing current discussion within the Scientific Academy, and hopefully does so in a accessible and unpretentious manner.

David Boie
Author, A Dog Ear'd Cosmos

This article comes from ZPEnergy.com

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