5th element of indian scriptures - "AAKAASH"
Date: Wednesday, March 29, 2006 @ 21:19:46 UTC
Topic: Science

the 5 element in indian scriptures .. AAKAASH .. roughly translated as 'ether' .. what is it ? the source of unknown 'energy' ?

indian scriptures consistently mention the 5 elements..earth, air, water, fire, 'ether'

but ether is a wrong translation..it is supposed to mean 'space' which is roughly what 'sky' means.. but the word used in india is 'aakaash' .. which in current languages surely means the sky

but then, there is no concept of 'space' as in outer space in the current indian scenario

with the british education system legacy, outer space has been translated as 'antariksha' .. which is not the same as 'aakaash' .. though they mean the same .. perhaps

though it can be popularly, widely and wisely be understood so, it still doesn't explain how that can be the fifth element .. what IS 'aakaash' ?

'aakaash' IS the fifth element .. three are gross .. earth, air and water .. we can feel them .. fire is not a solid, liquid, or gas .. it is a state of existence .. (fire within, fiery temper, etc connote 'states') .. but fire is visible, can be felt and therefore a 'tangible' real existing thing

now the fifth element .. 'aakaash' .. what IS it ? it is very mysterious in that it is not clear what it actually IS ! no stories in the scriptures talk about 'feeling, seeing or even experiencing' the element called 'aakaash' !

but it is mentioned with great authority and is repeated all over

NOW .. and this is wierd, strange almost unbelievable .. TWO things happened :

one, an indian monk went to the congress of religion in chicago

two, nikolas tesla found 'energy' in air !

i came across the mention of the meeting of nikola with an indian monk in my surfing the interenet..and tesla mentions at several points of time that energy does exist in air and refers to this being told to him by a monk from india .. this tesla says in support of his findings !

i also came across the mention of such a meeting with scientists working in very advanced sciences and confirming as fact that there is energy in air, or 'ether' .. more correctly called 'aakaash' in indian scriptures..the indian monk uses this discussion in support of HIS belief about energy in ether

the two used each other's meetings to support, confirm, be sure of their own beliefs, findings

the monk's name was vivekananda .. and i read the story THIRTY years ago .. the scientist was tesla .. and i read his mention only recently

and now i come across 'energy from nothing'

we don't know yet ! we need to know now !

time to consider, discover, find what 'aakaash' really is ! the FIFTH element in the indian scriptures of the ancient times !

What IF it really is a fact .. waiting to be re-understood .. AND USED !


(btw there are descriptions of weapons in that tiny epic called ramayana .. the story of RAM .. which describe the looks of devine weapons .. anything that we have not is devine ! like the devine pleasure of a nice person's company, etc. The weapons are NAMED and DESCRIBED .. and i am yet to see similarly describable weapons in modern times ! don't take my word for it .. read it for yourself .. the guru of rama .. vashishtha .. hands over the devine weapon to rama, a desrving level headed pupil..and gets himself freed from the responsibility of having to keep them ! it is all there .. in the story of ram, the RAMAYANA by valmeekee )

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