Available from Blood and Oil Publishing
Blood and Oil is a rip-roaring read that poses some very interesting
questions. Just what would the oil giants do to protect their
interests? What if a technology was discovered that was so
fundamentally dangerous to their interests that it would put them
all out of business overnight?
Just what would they be prepared to do to suppress it? Read
the book and decide if you think its fact or fiction. Could it have
happened already? Some think it is possible including the author Joe
“I first decided to write this book in 1998 after watching a
television documentary broadcast by the UK Channel Five as part of
their "Equinox" series. The subject of the episode was "Zero Point
Energy" and "Big Oil."
"The premise immediately grabbed my attention and raised a
number of interesting questions. What if an alternative source of
energy had been discovered but buried by the multinational oil companies and oil producing states? "
"Interviewing a number of respected mainstream physicists,
the program speculated on the likelihood that this unlimited
alternative source of energy might have been developed already. In
presenting his thesis, the anchor traveled across the United States,
interviewing a number of people who claimed to have cracked the secret
of Zero Point Energy; some obviously crackpots, but a few alluringly
"There was talk of ‘Big Oil’ and Arab governments offering
billions to suppress it and of secret deals with NASA and the US
Government. In fact, one individual who demonstrated his process
claimed he feared for his life, gloomily predicting his own demise.
Some time after I had commenced this book I heard of his death,
seemingly an accident, but who knows?"
"All of this heady talk of conspiracy and secret deals with
multinational oil companies and oil rich states set me to work
researching within my own business and other sources; the result is
“Blood and Oil,” a conspiracy thriller in the truest sense of the word.”
Joe Voss, Houston, Texas, 2006.
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