Infinite Energy Magazine - Issue 66, Mar/Apr 2006
Date: Sunday, March 26, 2006 @ 12:10:58 UTC Topic: General
ARTICLES * The True "State" of the Union's Energy Dilemma William Zebuhr * Low-Energy Nuclear Reactions and In-Vacuum Nuclear Physics Peter J. Fimmel * Cosmic Background Radiation Originated in the Zero-Point Fluctuations of Vacuum Takaaki Musha * Maxwell's Pressure Demon and the Second Law of Thermodynamics John Marshall Dudley * Deuteron-Deuteron (dd) Binding via Neutron Exchange Cheng-ming Fou * The Missing "Ash" H.C. Josephs * Dense Plasma Focus: A New Fusion Process for Energy and Propulsion Thomas Valone * Compressed Air-Powered Cars: One Key to Tapping the Heat from Low-Energy Nuclear Reactions Wesley Bruce * The Case for a Sub-Quantum J.P. Claybourne * Quantum Quasi-Paradoxes and Quantum Sorites Paradoxes Florentin Smarandache
DEPARTMENTS * Letters to the Editor * Breaking Through Editorial - Exposing the "Real Embarrassments" of Cold Fusion Scott Chubb * Energy in Your Future Thomas Valone * Book Reviews - Some Science Adventures with Real Magic (William Tiller et al.) William Zebuhr * Science & Technology Used Book Marketplace * Professional Service Directory * Infinite Energy Order Form
Source: http://www.infinite-energy.com/iemagazine/issue66/index.html