New Perendev Motor?
Date: Wednesday, March 22, 2006 @ 18:00:52 UTC
Topic: Devices

(From News): Perendev to Launch 300 kW Self-Running Electromagnetic Generator in May

Draws energy from magnetic principles not presently appreciated by mainstream science. Expected cost will be around 3/10 cents per kW-h. Inventor, Mike Brady, says permanent magnet motor was too large, so he designed this.

by Sterling D. Allan

Pure Energy Systems News - Exclusive Interview
Copyright © 2006

Famous in the fringe world of free energy for his claim to a working all-magnet motor, complete with a video of the unit in operation, inventor Mike Brady and his company have now shifted over to an electromagnetic design. "Now in production", the new motor is said to have far more power coming from much less size. It also draws its power from electromagnetic forces all around us, but which are not yet fully appreciated by mainstream science.

Like an automobile engine, the Perendev electromagnetic motor is said to require a battery to start, but once running it provides enough energy to run under its own power as well as provide 300 kW max of electricity from an attached alternator. "The battery will be recharged from the alternator while the unit is running."

"Output is 110volt 3 phase or 380 volt 3 phase", which is enough electricity to run nearly a hundred homes.

Perendev has announced on their website that they will be launching this new product at a public demonstration at a hotel auditorium in Munich Germany in May. Tickets to attend the demonstration are set at 100 Euros. Details are pending.

Full story: Perendev New Motor

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