Reality: What is it?
Date: Tuesday, March 21, 2006 @ 21:41:53 UTC
Topic: Science

Reality is definitely a form of energy! And,Reality is a fluid dynamic form of chaos undergoing evolutionary change. So; our Universe is evolving, growing if you will.

The question arises; what is the engine that drives Chaos? First I must address the subject of energy. We all are familiar with the never ending chant: Energy is neither created or destroyed. All the energy of the Universe is here within the Uinverse. Let us all stop for amoment and think, Iwill then giude you to the correct conclusion.

Lets look at it from a black hole's perspective just prior to detonation. The space of which that point occupies is composed of energy (the potential black hole) and this energy expands after detonation into space that is already there to be expanded into, the black hole or a big bang event do not create space; , they are one in the same. Conclusion; space is composed of a undefined form of energy which is not totally captured by a big bang event. Contrary to popular belief I belive I can prove energy is created in this Universe. So, whats the point you ask?

If energy can be created naturally (I assume this is a natural phenomenon) then we should be able to create energy.

This is my attempt to throw more wood on the fire.

Thank you,


PS. I know left I left a couple of questions unanswered, those are for another day.

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